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If you've been following my channel for a long time, you may remember that I few years ago I made a video about faster-than-light travel. I was trying to explain why the arguments saying it's impossible are wrong but I think no one really understood this. So I'm giving it a second try this weekend.



It's just effect without cause in the googolplex factorial plexplex multi-verse-plex. The Ansible (FTL telegraph) is a random word generator. An FTL vehicle is just random atoms colliding to recreate the vehicle and contents some distance away from where the last one disintegrated. Of course each time the vehicle is totally different, but reduce the ensemble modulo cases where they are the same. Anyway, it'll be centuries before anyone is sure the Ansible message was fake.


Reflections on re-watching the video from 3 years ago: 1. Wow, has it really been 3 years? 2. The world needs more SH music videos! 3. So... you travel back in time, accidentally (of course) kill your own paternal grandfather, then don't poof out of existence as a result -- this obviously means that your mother really did have a fling with the mailman. Note, there are easier and cheaper ways to establish paternity than inventing a time travel machine.


True dat, but if you still want mind bending time travel entertainment: Predestination by Michael Spierig & Peter Spierig https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/predestination/id912751334