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I recently learned there’s a new trend on social media: monk mode. It means cutting out distractions and going into self-isolation to become more productive. It’s supposedly based on science and particularly concerned with avoiding social media, because that’s addictive. But can social media really be addictive? Does the monk mode work? And what’s the science behind it? On Saturday, we'll sort it out.



My boss, a founder of the company, said that the company found that employees were multifold more productive, in measurable ways, when in a quiet company house on an island, compared to at work in the million person city. At least, until some employees started using it as a vacation house.


So what people have been trying on for years when it was called a 'life hack'. 😆 People with ADHD including Yours Truly have been on this mission for a long time, all the hype-artists should've asked us about how to be more productive and less distracted!


According to the internet, monk mode can change my life in just a week -- so I can be better than I was before, better...stronger...faster (which of the old farts around here get this reference?).