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This weekend we'll talk about marijuana. What are the risks, what are the benefits, is it a good idea to legalize it? Despite never using it, I had many friends who did. I've always been in favor of legalization and I'm glad the Germans are finally getting there.

In my student days bought a T-shirt featuring very big cannabis leaves. I recently had to throw it away because it was literally falling apart and I'm still sad about it. Maybe it's time to buy a new one.



Buy a marijuana leaf-patterned shirt & wear it on video, that'll be *dope*.


My sister was bipolar (back in the day when it was called manic-depressive) and marijuana was the only thing that really made her feel OK. She needed many other varied substances to get all the way up to good and she used those regularly too. It's a shame that our prurient forebears were idiots about marijuana, that sentiment has ruined many a life. My sister also acquired a marijuana leaf shirt. My parents, oblivious to the fact that she already smoked marijuana, didn't let her wear it because people might think we were potheads.


To me, the whole issue is not whether marijuana is good for you or not. The issue is whether making it illegal does more harm than good. To me the answer is obvious: make it legal.


Now I'm thinking: marijuana-leaf patrerns in rainbow colours to really explode any judgemental bigots' heads. Sorry for your sister.