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Scientists Concerned More Rocket Launches Might Damage Ozone Layer

The number of rocket launches per year has almost doubled in the past few decades, and many companies are planning on extensive satellite networks that will undoubtedly see the number of launches skyrocket (pun intended) even further. A group of researchers from New Zealand has now pointed out that this might be bad news for the ozone layer. In a recent paper, they call on space companies to track emissions during start and flight and make the data available for research. Paper here, press release here.

Companies’ Net Zero Pledges: Much Talk, Little Walk

A joint report by the think tanks NewClimate Institute and Carbon Market Watch investigated the climate pledges of 24 large companies whose combined emissions are estimated to make up 4% of the world budget. They found that those look good on paper but that companies are simply not delivering on what they promise. Summary here, full report here.

Social Scientists Suck at Making Predictions

A study from researchers at the University in Waterloo found that social scientists were no better at predicting social changes brought about by the COVID pandemic than the general public. Paper here, press release here.



So, the more stuff one knows about regarding humans and what they do the better you are at working out how things might end up with humans?


You know who else sucks at making predictions? Economists. In the US libertarians won the political war at Reagan and we've been under their failed trickle-down, supply-side, economics ever since. Nothing that it was supposed to do has happened, yet a enough Americans support it to keep their Republican adherents in power to continue its application at every opportunity at the expense of the sizable middle class created by the income tax and increasing upper marginal tax rates. Such is the power of myth, that the wealthy are more industrious for libertarians and are more righteous for those religious. Evidence doesn't matter to a lot of people!


As for 'net zero', aint gonna happen unless government steps in and develops a commercial scale integral fast reactor that will provide for the hydrogen era. The market will not reverse GHG emissions soon enough under the myth of 'market forces'. As it stands, the CO2 in the atmosphere is there for at least 1,000 years until it weathers out.


I feel bad that humans might cut themselves off from an incredible potential to spread among the planets because of problems that might be solved.