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U.S. Certifies Its First Small Modular Reactor

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has certified the first small nuclear reactor in the country, VOYGR from NuScale. Each module is a cylinder of about 76 x 15 ft and produces up to 77 MW of electricity. Up to 12 of them can be stacked together.

Deepfakes Are About to Become A Political Problem

A report from researchers at Northwestern University warns that deepfakes are now so cheap and easy to produce that they are bound to affect security and intelligence operations. They recommend efforts to educate and inform the public, and are encouraging journalists to be extra cautious. They created their own sample deepfake video to make their point. Press release here.

How to Shelter from a Nuclear Explosion

Scientists from the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, have used a computer simulation to figure out what is the best thing to do in case a nuclear bomb blows up near your house. They arrive at the conclusion that it’s best not to stand in front of a window. Not a breakthrough insight, I guess, but glad someone crunched the numbers. Paper here.



*starts reading the paper on surviving a nuclear blast* WELL THIS IS CHEERFUL.