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To wrap up the year, we have a particularly cheerful topic: human extinction. What are the greatest risks and what do we know about the risks? Fun fact: a survey found that one in five people thinks it wouldn't be bad if we went extinct. Not so fun fact: recent papers about the effects of a nuclear winter on crops paint a grim picture. 



It would not be bad if certain types of people became extinct. The political arena in the US makes it clear there are dinosaurs living amoung us. I am not suggesting I know which types should be allowed to go extinct, but I do think racism should become extinct. If twitter were not a dumpster fire that was then nuked by Elon Musk, it could have been used as a guide through its like/tweet count. For example, here is a twitter exchange between Greta Thunberg and two fine gentlemen. Who do you think received the highest like/retweet count (not on twitter, so I don't really know. But I have my suspicions): Here is the last twitter exchange between Donald Trump and Greta Thunberg: Trump's unprovoked tweet: "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!". Greta's 01/20/2021 @ 7:24 PM response to Trump's last day in office with a picture of Trump boarding Marine1 for the last time: "He seems like a very happy old man looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!". Here is the last twitter exchange between Andrew Tate and Greta Thunberg: Andrew Tate's 12/28/2022 unprovoked tweet: Hello @GretaTHunberg I have 33 cars. My Bugatti has a w16 8.0L quad turbo. blah blah blah. etc etc etc. yada yada yada Please provide your email address so I can send a completed list of my car collection and the respective "Enormous emissions". Greta 12/28/2022 response tweet: "yes, please do enlighten me. Email me at smalldickenergy@getalife.com"


So, I asked Google about "human extinction" in order to study up in time for Saturday and I was both delighted and saddened to see a Wikipedia page for it. Lots of people have been doing lots of thinking about this topic for a long time. It seems that most put forward risk estimates for different extinction causes and I can't help but wonder how they came up with their numbers. With a sample size of 1, how can they claim anything? Yeah, something like an asteroid strike we can put a number on, but for a doomsday comet from the Oort cloud, we can only argue that we haven't been hit recently. For the record, I'm going to go with Colonel Mustard in the Library with the grey goo -- 100% chance within the next 5 billion years.


IT GETS BETTER. Tate made a return diss video where he sat with a pizza box in front of him. The amazing Supersdunkelshadenfreudenisch (which should be a proper word I defer l decree) thing about that is said pizza box was from a Romanian pizza franchise, placing him in the country. Romanian authorities swooped in and arrested him, his brother & 2 Romanian shitbags for human trafficking. Thunberg then disintegrated his smoking ruins with a perfect tweet about that. It's been pointed out that it turned out to be a *good* thing that Musk unbanned Tate. Go and catch yourself up on it, it's SO GOOD, including that he is seeing consequences for the harm to the women he et. al. trafficked. The mass dunking is fabulous too. 😊


I also am looking forward to the extinction of those mean & miserable lizards.


Colleen: I saw that, but did not want to monopolize the good news. I still think Greta's initial tweet response to Tate will be tweet of the year. If it were not for covid (and war and inflation), 2022 would be turning out to be one of the best year ever. In the US we have 100s of traitorous felons in prisons and more on the way. 2023 may be Trump turn. More importantly, we have voters that are no longer supporting politicians that are b@ts#!t crazy. Happy New Year.


Same to you, D. 🙂 By the way I consider Sabine Hossenfelder to be the Greta Thunberg of physics.


I hope in the coming year Sabine and Greta hold a podcast together. Clearly climate change would be part of the discussion. However, I think the talk would also be about the forces that (at the time) gave a 13 year old the ability to gain the following of millions of future voters, and influence/shame world leaders to the point where the climate crisis was suddenly high on their agenda. Greta's ability to topple little men with big egos would also be an attention grabbing subject. Wishing you a healthy New Year. P.S: It is David.