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Originally an NPC concept for Rudra, I liked her design so much that I broke her off into her own fantasy universe. The second time I drew her, I wanted to have a slain beast in the background. That beast turned into a relaxing dragon, which then became her best friend. And yet, after 7 years I STILL didn't have a name for this guy.

So meet Flint, Noa's other half. His name is obviously derived from fire, but also because her armor is comprised of his baby scales (hence the blue color). It's a double meaning played fast and loose. Also he's from Michigan, not really.

There's a bunch of lore on older pieces found in my deviantart gallery. Take a look!





Sorry Hybridmink. I'm stealing this and making it my wallpaper. See you in court buddy! Seriously though, wow! I love everything about this. The colors used are vivid and it heavily reminds me of playing Zelda Breath of the Wild. I'm glad you introduced this dragon pal. It's nice to meet Flint and it would be awesome to one day get a birds eye view of their adventure!


haha, no problem! You can click the link in the description to see some of the adventure locations. :)


Awesome character and nice colour work.