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Fire Emblem Heroes continues to be my multi-tasking app of choice. I'll usually just auto battle with one of my teams at the start of a Splatoon match or if I have a minute where I'm waiting on something.

I normally don't think much of pandery swimsuit outfits, but this look for Robin was just too good to not draw. Too bad I couldn't "draw" her as a character in the game. So many orbs, wasted. :(




I really wanted Robin and Tiki ones but I didn't. I've given up on them and try another place. Also, that art is marvellous


I found out that robin was blue so I started backing out every time I had no blues left. I think I got 3 draws with NO blues at all, effectively wasting 5 orbs each time. Bah! Oh and thanks :D

Sean Kavina

Yes! I love it!