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Pokemon Company, the bain of my existence, has decided that the image above cuts too much into their pokemon-related profits that they had it removed from my shop. I contested it, but the world of fanart is very much in favor of the IP holder. So hey, why not upload it somewhere else? Let's see how long it takes before it gets removed from there too:


But if you're one of my wonderful patrons, you can just download the attached file instead and print it at your local office supply store for free! Normally HD files are reserved for the $5 tier but I want everyone to have this one. Go to the store and tell them you want a test print. Keep having them "test" the printout until you have the one you like. Enjoy!

Oh and if you could hit the "heart" button on the link above and share it on FB/twitter, that would be super awesome. Thanks!



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