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my friends!

is this just how it goes? you get older and life gets exponentially faster and weirder and keeps sucking you into crazy time wormholes that spit you out months later? gosh i'm so sorry if it's just me.

other than the wormholes, i have been, for the most part, good? here's what's been going on:

aya (aka the daughter)

not much to say here other than i continue to explode with love for her and overwhelming feelings of gratitude that i get to experience this. it's just the best best best and she is so wonderful and silly and communicative and i love her so much i can hardly handle it.


well don't get too excited. it is TWO shows, to be exact, but two shows is a HUGE improvement from the zero i played in the last 5 years. i still don't understand how it's been that long. anyway, yes, real, live, in-person concerts. EXCITING AND TERRIFYING. you all are the first to know--we've got an LA show at the end of august and an SF show at the beginning of sept. i'm 99% sure our dates are locked so i'll wait for confirmation before sharing the specifics, but AHHHHH!


four years ago i took a pottery class and left it 3 hours later declaring i'd just found my new calling and i was going to buy my own wheel and do pottery for the rest of time. fast forward to a month ago, i had not touched a piece of clay since, but felt an itch to revisit it and see if i'd just made up the whole thing in my mind. i went to a beginners wheel throwing class and YUP yeah it's true i am bonafide obsessed. i have no plan for where i am going with any of this, but it has been the most meditative, centering, therapeutic, joyful process, so i am just going to keep exploring and learning and see where it takes me. i haven't had something that gets me immediately out of my mind and into a flow state in... maybe ever? don't get me wrong--music gets me there, but to get TO MUSIC, i have built up so many walls around music that it's so hard to get myself to make space for it and see what's there (the fear being, of course, that there will be nothing.) anyway, the beautiful thing is that i feel like as i'm learning to unlock creativity in myself in this new direction, it's somehow making the rest of creating feel a bit more open and possible, too. 

my mom

my mom continues to be a force of nature. she has rough patches and better patches, but is generally stable, and through it all, is powering on, creating, bringing joy, having fun. she is amazing. we are still doing what we can to spread the word about the need for more people to join the bone marrow registry, and still searching the globe in hopes of finding her a match for a blood stem cell transplant.


last but not least, let's get a hangout in the books! june 16th--check out the event page for when it starts in your time zone. can't wait to connect with you all again.

ok, that was a lot! as always, sending lots of love and gratitude your way. hope this message finds you happy and healthy and i'll talk to you all on the other side of the next wormhole!





Can confirm you get older and life gets exponentially faster and weirder and keeps sucking you into crazy time wormholes that spit you out months later. I don't like it one bit. Woohoo shows!


yes, i have been feeling the same way about life going faster. but I'm good, I think. anyway, glad your mom is staying strong and hopefully, i will be able to see you at your show soon! 😊


thank you for sharing all that! excited for hangout, and good luck with everything!!


Life goes by so quickly, you have to enjoy every moment. Glad to hear your Mom is hanging in there, I am thinking of her :)

Alan Lair

No way it's been 5 years, seems like NYC was just yesterday!


I'm keeping myself going and trying not to feel really tired all the time, I've told a couple of people irl how lonely I feel. That was scary but they all agree with you saying that I do matter 🥺. I hope that your mom finds a match soon 🤞!!


So excited for the show announcements! Also, SO cool that you're getting (back) into pottery! I have a bunch of old books/tools that I don't use anymore, and I'd be happy to mail them to you if you have a safe-to-share-with-people-on-the-internet address. ☺️

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 10:32:28 So good your Mom is staying stable <3 I´d love to see your pottery :-)
2023-06-10 05:12:22 So good your Mom is staying stable <3 I´d love to see your pottery :-)

So good your Mom is staying stable <3 I´d love to see your pottery :-)