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well hello lovely humans of kg records <3 i apologize for being so quiet lately. my emotions have been a-swirl. (i don't think i've ever said "a-swirl" before and i don't intend to ever say it again. so sorry for that one!) i've been feeling lots of feelings lately and learning and unlearning lots of things and slowly but surely i *think* coming back to myself and my life and the internet.

some things:

- our monthly hangout is this sunday! check out the event link for more info and to start posting questions for the q&a. if you can't tune in live, you can always watch the recording after the fact :) tune in here.

- i very discretely released the newest song off the album on christmas day. it's called "oh what a love" and you can listen to it here. i'll be sending you the mp3 download of it soonish when i finish up the video :)

- i had the incredible honor of getting to care for another tiny being a couple days ago--a little hummingbird named juniper. our friend found it sick/injured on the sidewalk and we brought it home to nurse it back to health. over the course of the next day he finally started eating, regained his energy, and even started flying again. sadly, after a really strong seeming day, he took an unexpected turn and slipped away. we had a little burial in the backyard and surrounded him with flowers. it's been a rough couple of days since losing him, and it's oddly (or maybe not-so-oddly) brought up some unprocessed emotions from our lost pregnancy this past summer. doing my best to move through the emotions and feel grateful to have witnessed this little guy at all. amazing the impact a tiny little thing you knew for only 24 hours can have on your heart.

- for those of you that have joined me over on twitch in recent months, i do intend to come back and do some live streaming again! i've just been waiting for my head and heart to return to a more normal space, hopefully i'll be back pretty soon :)

ok, that's all for now! sending massive amounts of love your way. hope you're doing alright and taking care of your hearts in these intense times <3 very, very, VERY grateful for you.






You have the best heart! While losing the little one is sad, they were able to have a comfortable and cared-for last day or so, thanks to you. Sending you healing and light.


No need to apologize! It’s ok, to not be ok and it’s even more ok to realize it and take all the time you need to deal with it. You will come back stronger! I am looking forward to Sunday and the next hangout. I have been having twitch streams withdrawals, I am sure so have others, but i felt less lonely listening to your music. Hope you‘re having a good day! Stay safe &amp; healthy! ❤️


I was just thinking of you today and was hoping that you were doing okay. I am hopeful that there is some good news regarding your IVF treatment and am happy to hear that we'll be hanging out on Sunday &lt;3


The bird's time was up. At least it could feel love and care during its final hours thanks to you. Don't worry about it too much. And don't let it bring you down, that's the course of life. Hope you're doing fine anyway. Take care. Stay safe.


Dear Kina, what a kind heart you have. If someone deserves to be a mom, it’s you. You would we the best. I am so sorry still. I understand this occurrence made you feel emotional again. I think I am right if I say we all (kinerds) are praying for you and Jesse.


Kina Sweetheart,




LOL. I’m so old-fashioned I have no idea how to write in these things. I have so much to tell you. I want to strengthen you. But I’m just used to phones not the Internet.oy vey!


The crazy thing is that I’m joining all of these things just because I adore you so much and now I have to figure out all these other websites. But for you I will. LOL. I think if I press return it goes up. So I will continue to just say that everything is going to work out in the end.


Kina, one day we are all reunited with our loved ones. I died once and so I know it’s wonderful on the other side when you get there in a natural way. You’re a little one that couldn’t do when you here is in the most loving most peaceful most perfect place. The little soul will be taken care of. At least I want you to know that. And I also want you to know that you should get another chance. I don’t know the whole story because I’ve been away for a while due to some health issues of my own.Don’t be sad honey. It will all work out in the end. Take your time to feel, to heal. We love you. Thank you for blessing us with your beautiful voice. 🙏😘💕😌


Oy my text to speech messed up. I meant the little one is loved


As Phuong mentioned, apologies with this community are not necessary. We want you to take time to take care of you...as much time as you need. We love you and want to see you and talk to you, yet at the same time we all understand you need space for yourself and with Jesse. We're excited about our coffee date, but if you feel it's not time yet, then that's more than ok... truly it can wait. 💔❤️‍🩹♥️💕💞