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Hey ya'll first and formost I just wanted to thank each and every one of you personally. yes you, for motivating me to create and share to all of the amazing people who have been enjoying my art and I love you all and ty for supporting my Patreon page ❤️

[short summary]

-It might take me more time to pump out as many drawings as I can but college go brr and it might have to be cut down a bit more.

Don't worry! I'm still going to post but not as regularly as before

[Long story]

I have been dealing with intense burnout the following months because of the sudden growth in follwers and it has lead me to collapse more than once with my insane workloads and it has lead to several instances where I didn't feel satisfied with what I put out or what the "algorithm" wants me to produce.

I've been taking it slow ofcs and you all have been wonderful and so supportive and I couldn't ask for more from all of you, but that is why I want to do my absolute hardest but at the same time feel like it's cutting my lifespan in half lol.

I hope you all understand this and if you don't think you can stick along for thr ride that's completely fine.

Just giving you a short brief and hoping that I'll be able to survive my next semester.

Take care, and have a damn good one.


Arjay Diaz

Of course take your time, quality over quantity is always better


Yeah! Take as much time as you need, its your art after all!