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Well well! The poll was really tight, I see that there's a big interest in seeing a rework on the second chapter of Pretty.

Pretty 5 won by a single vote, but since it's one vote, I will do something special.

Yes! I will first do Pretty 5, so I will take the time I usually take between comics to check and finish the script. In exchange, I will be publishing little tidbits about my characters, besides the cover for Pretty 5, which I hope to have it ready for next week.

Other than that, I will also revise and form a plan to do Pretty 2, and once I am halfway with Pretty 5 (I assume that it'll have around 120-149 pages, still a toss up) I will take some time to work on the Pretty 2 rework. With this one in specific, I will work around 6 pages a week when the time comes. With this in mind that doing the rework would take me about 3 months to finish.




I already want to hug Pato. I can't wait to see where you take this new chapter