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More rough doodles, sorry. I think I will be able to finish and refine works properly soon.

 Not totally happy with these, (drawing big breasts is not easy 😂  ) I'll try to fix change things when if I decide to finish them.  

 I'll draw 2 requests I owe next. 

Thank you.




Big breasts are always right.


Omg just keep going with your sketches. They are truly amazing. You may think that you are not being creative but I really do think you are. The more you continue the more you will grow. 👍


Don't stress so much about refining works - your sketches look amazing, and while obviously everyone would love to see them in full detail, it's seemed to got you back on a regular schedule with no real drop in quality. Looking forward to the requests!


Nice :) I like that your trying bigger breasts too and these look great and are all the works from the last several days and upcoming ones gonna be sent out via messages at some point? Trying to save images directly from Patreon posts is kind of confusing as image sizes tend to very for some reason


Damn these are great. I love your Doujin works, but I miss these kinds of portrait drawings. Big fan of the women still having their shoes in the pictures. Anyway amazing work!


They look really great and yeah just go with the flow, if you feel ready to refine the works then do so and if you notice you need more time then that's fine too! We're here for the ride but everyone is just happy to see content from you like this and feel like you're having fun


Don’t worry about doodles those are great,take your time and just focus on having fun,also love how you handled byleth expression,conveys the right emotion and also shows her stoic personality,absolutely love it. Also big breasts are great.


Rhea <3 but now I am even more sad that I didnt got that unit xD




I really like that pair, the ship is kinda weird when you think about it but I like it for some reason lol, I think you should try doing yuri stuff someday! I know it's not really useful to say that but I honestly always liked you way of drawing big breasts lol, your Whitney x Gold pic is one of my favourite pic from you! I'd really like to give better advices, sorry I can't haha Oh, also, I don't know if it'll help but I remember that last year when you came back you put a Fate character in a poll, and someone told you that you shouldn't do characters from very popular things like gacha. I think you should forget that, really, just feel free to draw whatever you want, if it's a very popular character well you'l always be adding your own take on it and it's awesome! I don't know how to phrase it better but really, if you want to do something do it and don't let anyone prevent you from drawing it. If you must, do it for you and not for us!


Very good. And I look forward to more big breast practice


Thanks. My take on gacha games is that they started killing gaming in Japan and in the west but I realize it's ironic since artists on Patreon are putting their work behind a paywall too. That doesn't mean I'd never draw things from Gachas. The only gacha game I play from time to time is Fire Emblem Heroes but that's for obvious reasons, I like to see underepresented FE characters getting new art. Also no matter how big it is I just consider FGO just part of the Fate franchise, so there's no problem for me to draw Fate characters, and I like Granblue Fantasy too, at least they are trying to expand into other genres, they released a pretty good fighting game, and now are making a full RPG game so I also want to draw characters from that.


Thanks, I was wondering about that too actually, I think I could mix both styles for my work, or maybe draw each panel individually and then combine them instead of working on it as just one big picture.


I think the banner is up right now. Do you want my unscientific tip? Keep targeting the specific color you want on each summon. Say you want a blue unit, and there's just 2 blue units out of 5 in the pool, grab just the 2 blue units and if you don't get the unit you want, then close the summoning session. I'm convinced the summon costing less orbs each time you grab a color is a trap. You end up spending more orbs at the end to get it, instead it's better to pay 5 orbs again to restart the summon session for more chances at the color you want. I've been reliable getting every unit I've wanted using this method and the most I've spend for a specific unit is 90 orbs. I've seen other people spending hundreds of orbs and not getting the unit they want, and they all have one thing in common, they grab all 5 units colors each summon session thinking they are saving orbs.


Love your art bro. Keep it up. Keep drawing what you like!


Quick sketches or not, seeing your art is a blessing and one that always makes my day.

Idiot in violet

I would like so much one day to see you streaming, because I'm always amazed how even a sketch looks so lovely.


Cant go wrong with big oppai, really loving these pieces youre giving us! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


So happy you got to finishing the sketches, they look great! Hoping this is one that you finish in the future