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Blog time.  A bit long again, sorry: 

I want to let you know I truly appreciate all of your comments in my last update post. Thank you. I read every comment even if I don't always reply.

 My intention was not to be overdramatic about my situation, as I said ,  I'm fine for the most part. It is just that lately I can't seem to find a balance between real life stuff / obligations and my passion for drawing.  And that puts me in a state where I can't fully focus on one or the other.  A long time has passed since I started this project now, an seeing how things progressed and me taking unexpected long hiatus without a word, it seems I am not cut to dedicate myself to this hobby.  So I took the "rushed" decision to simply stop for now. 

I've seen comments of people wondering if their requests/character are the reason I lost motivation to draw, but no, don't worry, that was never the reason. If anything I wanted to start to diversify my work by drawings different characters and franchises instead of just focusing on one. Imagining how I could handle and draw your requested characters is actually the exciting part of this.  

 The reason I lost motivation is my lacking (maybe just  percieved  as stated by someone in the last post' comments ) drawing and painting skills. More often than not I'm left with dissatisfaction while in the process of drawing/painting. I've tried different styles and ways to work, but it seems I simply can't find something that I'd truly like to do.

For example, sometimes I'm in the mood where I just want to make simple drawings, but then I'm left wanting to draw in a more technical way and when I try to be a bit more technical I get uninspired and scrap hours of work only to say " let's just do it simpler next time..." only for the cycle to repeat itself. That's basically what's been happening with my work .  I don't know... may I need to force myself to just make a decision once and for all and run with it.   As I said, watching other artists (some even started recently) create amazing art is kind of overwhelming. I often recieve praise from you for my work, and I'm truly grateful for that, it's just that seeing so much great art makes me wish I was better. 


That's the situation right now. I think I just went into more details but it's esentially the same post as the last one haha.. So yeah, thank you very much for your support all this time. 

About the pics I'm working on. I've decided to work on some FE  characters. I'll see how things go with these. As for other videogame characters I haven't decided yet. Trails, Persona,  Guilty Gear.

  I will draw Samus at some point so she doesn't count for now :  ) Hopefully before DREAD comes out.

 Also I started to play videogames again, specially old fav ones, like Dragon Quest 3,4 and 5, Zelda OoT and Majora, and the original Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3. So now I want to draw characters from these games specially the RE girls, though these pics could be a bit more extreme from my usual work. Experimenting with new topics like these might be a good idea.

I've always been more of a videogame fan than anime fan, so people are surprised I draw anime style when they find there's very few animes  and mangas I've read and watched. Classics like Dragonball and Naruto of course.  But recently, I've started to watch some animes and read some mangas, to see if it that's what I need to get inspiration again. I've heard and know about characters from My hero academia and One Punch Man before, but I just started to watch them recently. Goblin Slayer too, though I find it kind of goofy. Some great girls I could draw from these series .Also reading (Communication problem ?)Komi-san / "Demon school Iruma kun ?"  and ChainSawMan manga . If you want requests from these series I will try to draw simple drawings from them, at least for some quick sketches/ practice. 

And finally, I recently learned Iris returned to the Pokemon anime and now some news I've just heard and that genuinely put a smile on my face is the return of Dawn for the pokemon anime series. Dawn returning  after 10 years? restored a bit of my motivation to draw. Sadly it  will be a short appearence but you can be sure I'll draw some Dawn and Iris to celebrate the occasions.  Sorry, I'll delay the Serena pic for a while.  

So here is what I will draw this month: 

Fire Emblem:  


-Swimsuit Hilda and Marianne duo unit from Heroes

-Swimsuit Freyja from Heroes



Videogame character: 

-Undecided yet



Sad to hear your still thinking of leaving but if you think its best I wish you the best and could you check your messages if you see this


Really? Is it confirmed to be the final season?

Sergio Barajas

I know your feeling, sadly i don't think we can do something to help you with. All we can do is cheer you up (which is no that hard with the WIP you're sharing with us). I feel like you are being a bit perfectionist, for now i'd suggest that you make not too complicated pics, i mean maybe no different angles from the same scene in the same pic and with time making next ones a bit more complex gradually. There are lot of styles but i've always found your own style amazing. I think everyone of us would love to see how your experiments with different styles comes out. And if in the end you decide to quit then i wish you the best of luck. i'll be crossing my fingers for both, for you find the inspiration you need to continue or for the day you make a return.

Idiot in violet

Sad no Mia :'( I think you shouldn't promise us anything. Just do what you want and don't force yourself to keep your promises.


Bueno, esperar por el doujin de serena miette en el hotel. Pero, dale, dibujas muy bien y es genial que quieras dibujar mas personajes, poses y situaciones. Dale nada mas, de seguro las chicas de Fate y Samus te quedaran muy buenas.


I'm sorry, I have tons of unfulfilled promises : ( At least I will finish these. Mia is one of my favs so I can draw some quick sketch of Mia though, maybe her swimsuit alt since it's summer?


I'm so grateful that you made this post and are opening up to us. A little sad that some of the characters I wanted didn't make it but as long as you still make art for some more time, I won't compain : ) I wish you best in life, maybe one day you can find your passion again. Until then, don't hesitate to quit if you no longer wish to draw.


Pretty happy to see you drawing Summer Marianne and Freyja, I love them. While I personally would like to see you continue drawing as your works are amazing, even better than other artists I've seen, but I understand if you don't want to continue, and if you decide to quit I wish you the best in what you decide to do.


Thank you for communicating with us and giving another update post


Yeah you may be right, maybe searching perpetual improvement isn't the way to go about it, maybe I should focus on simple things, at least for now. Thank you.


Sorry for that. I'd draw every request I recieve if I could. Thank you very much.


Hilda and Marianne are great, and Summer Freyja might be my fav summer alt alongside Mia and Lucina duo so far : ) . Thank you.


And thank you for your patience. It sometimes isn't as easy for me to interact.


Thank you, Serena and Miette stuff is something I want to keep drawing.


Thanks for the update! Even though you're still leaving, it still brightens my day to see an update in my inbox from you. It wasn't too long from your other update, but glad to hear you're doing okay. I'd highly recommend watching Jujutsu Kaisen if you haven't taken a look at that already, it's incredible and I'm not that much of an anime watcher myself. Also RE girls? I vote yes.


Thank you for posting this,it’s really good to see you opening up and talking about how you are feeling and going through,I just wish life in general could be a little bit easier for all of us,hope someday you can find the style of art that you are most confortable with,either way I’m gonna support your decision. Also do you want recommendations of games or animes?If you want some recommendation I can try to help depending if the genres that you like,maybe watching or playing something good can help you take a break or find some inspiration,either way stay well and good luck.

Michael Hicks

Thank you so much for updating and sharing how you've felt throughout this entire process, I currently am writing fanfics in several categories and sometimes feel as though as some chapters of ideas of mine aren't good or don't make sense and I'd have to scrap some and kinda change it up. I've gotten several comments telling me that my stories are great, and I appreciate every word, even deep down, knowing that they're are extremely better writers out there, telling myself I'm not good. Top it off with personal issues, writer blocks and such, I feel too tired to even write. I'd hate to see you go if you decide that, you're one if not the best artist of any kind I have seen and supported, bit of course, if it's best for you, then I do suggest it. Nothing is more important than your health. I just hope you're doing okay and you get through this. I did have some questions though, I was wondering if you were going to continue your WIP with Ash×Serena×Miette, I'd really love to see that doujin done, and if you still are taking requests, I'd love to issue one.


A bit sad to see no Oichi or that you won't be finishing that Tiki sketch from all those years ago, but thank you for sharing your thoughts regardless and for not totally abandoning your art. I'm not an artist so I can't really offer meaningful advice on the process or your blocks, but I can say that maybe disconnecting from looking at other people's art will help to not be as overwhelmed by it, and maybe forcing yourself to draw in a consistent style for a little while will help you feel confident in it. I know you mentioned your concerns about patreon in the past post, so I'll take the opportunity to just restate a few points that I think may be helpful: Pixiv is a good place for artists, and I'm pretty sure you have an old account there that hasn't been updated since the X/Y days. If for nothing else, it can be a good place to archive your stuff, and it's a good way to promote other links. If you don't want to stay on Patreon forever, SubscribeStar and Pixiv Fanbox are good alternatives that will be fine with your content (I personally prefer Pixiv Fanbox's UI). I'd also say consider a gumroad. If it can be helped, try to avoid social media - if not because you're nervous of your art or are (rightly) afraid of getting mobbed, then just because it's been the death of a lot of people's productivity. Patreon already has multiple ways to communicate with your community and patreon and weekly/monthly/regular posts can update your backers better than twitter.


I don't think I can say more than what everyone said, but I'm always glad to hear more about you :) I know I complained about you not answering about a month ago, and I'm really sorry about that, I realize that I shouldn't have said that without knowing more about you. I've been following you for years, and you honestly seems like a good person, and someone that frankly doesn't deserve what life throws at you. Like I said previously, I've been drawing for the past year in part because of you, and I really love doing that, I'm actually entering an art school soon! I wish I could give you advice about these problems, but I really lack the experience for it sadly. I appreciated your advice in your last post too :) I'm glad to hear your opinion about the recent Journeys "cameos"! I don't know if you know but Gary also reappeared and he's now a recuring character. Also, considering what Iris said in her episode, she'll probably reappear! Journeys has been a really fun time to me so I'll be really glad if you ended up liking it :) The characters are so fun, I love Go and Chloe, and Ash is still a fun time to be around. I'm wondering if this is the last season for him though, considering this season's goal. Also, yeah, I think discovering new stuff could help you a lot! If you want to watch more kodomo anime like Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh (since I think you like Yu-Gi-Oh?), I would recommand you Pretty Cure! I discovered it last year and its positivity and themes helped me A LOT dealing with depression. I would also recommand some comedy anime, especially Saiki Kusuo, Kaguya-sama Love is War and Gintama! Oh, and if you like Chainsaw Man, I would love to see your take on Power, she's been a recent fave of mine :) I don't have much more to say but again, I wish you all the happiness in the world. I'm not exagerating saying that I wouldn't be the same person today if I hadn't discovered your art about 10 years ago haha, you'll probably always be one of my favourite artist ever. Take care :)


Hello Terufuu, I am very pleased to hear from you. It took me some days to find the time to calmly write this message (and to translate it, sorry for my bad English). I am saddened that you want to stop drawing and to stop your Patreon as well, but doing what seems right to you in order to feel better and get healthier is the best thing to do. For my part I can tell you that I have always greatly appreciated your style, your designs and everything you've created. You were the first artist I decided to support on patreon, and even when your activity has been discontinued for some months, I always hoped you would have come back to drawing. I think you are a bit ungenerous towards yourself, you are extremely good and you shouldn't make any comparisons with the other artists you see on patreon. We are here to support you, which means that your designs are truly beautiful and that we appreciate them very much. Personally, I think you should maintain some accounts, maybe on patreon or maybe on other platforms that others have recommended you (like pixiv). So that, when you want to sketch or draw, even if you don't finish your works, you can publish them and show them to us. I think we all would like it very much. If some time passes between the publication of a work and another, we wouldn't mind that, we would just need to have access to your drawings whenever you feel like drawing and publishing something. But again, it's your life so it is right that you do whatever you think will make you feel better. If you come back and decide to publish drawings, I will always be there to admire your art. PS: I love Serena and your Serena is truly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.


Maybe you can try Neptunia series, games that lets people release and be happy, which can help ease your troubles


Id said you should draw the characters you want. I also closed myself off from other artist and got to love my own art alot more when im not comparing it or myself to others.


Thanks, yeah, I guess one has to focus on their own art, though I wonder if it makes it harder to improve when not looking at others arts and ideas.


Hello, I've just read your message, I will send you a private message with a lenghty reply later tomorrow, sadly I'm a bit busy right now. Thank you very much.


Hello, I've just read your message, like the comment below, I will send you a private message later tomorrow, sadly I'm a bit busy to answer right now. Thank you very much.


Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I think following and developing an artistic passion is more difficult than what other people may believe. At least for my regular work, I can just turn off my brain and just focus on it to get it done. I think that is harder for artistic endeavours because you'd want your brain to be creative on top of it being affected more by emotions.


Very excited for this line-up! Freyja must be a personal highlight! Also very much looking forward to your modern take on Dawn since your last Dawn piece still remains as one of my all-time favorites of your art. ♥ I posted a lengthy comment on your previous update notification as well. I hope you will feel better soon! :)


I do not understand you first you say that you are leaving forever and then you promise again that you will draw more characters, comic, doujin and pools. If you don't feel good or feel ashamed to continue drawing nsfw hentai. Draw something else, if you want to improve as artists focus. like sakimichan wlopp, gubwiez etc I really don't even consider them better artists there is so much comic manga animation 3d design vfx animstion illust concept art character disegner etc etc. and many don poorly paid or do not earn enough. I know everyone draws pokemon nintendo girls and wsifus. Change focus or be free !!