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Hey I'm still alive,

I'm ashamed for the lack of recent updates.Mostly thanks to work, but also me getting sick and some personal stuff happening, this month life has been a roller coster for me, and sadly the goals I established for the past month haven't met yet.

I realized that having a full time job and trying to offer content here on Patreon in a regular basis is very hard to do. If I want to continue with this  and expect it to grow, I need to give this project my full attention.

Even with  the potential repercussion it could have in the future, I've made the decision of quitting my regular job and I've arranged things so I can dedicate to my Patreon page all of my time.

People have told me I should try to be in contact with you more often, and that's what I'm going to do. No more late dates, no more excuses, I expect things will go smoothly from here on.

So, what I have here is the preview of the last pic I owe you, the winner from the last poll Hex Maniac. One of the many reasons this is taking a bit more time to get done , it's because I decided to include Ace Trainer too, since the amount of votes were so similar and they were clearly the 2 characters most people voted for. I didn't want to let  down the lot of people who voted for Ace Trainer, so I decided to redraw the pic I already had to add her to the fun.  : P

It'll be ready in 2 days. I will make a post about overall stuff and changes in my patreon after that, as well as the next poll. Also, I've send a message to a $10 pledger chosen at random so I can make their request.

Thank you so much for the support, you're awesome.




I sent an email a few weeks ago, but didn't get a reply.


Has anybody heard anything from teru? it's 2016 and we haven't heard anything from him, I hope he is okay.


Still no sign of Teru then?


For those asking about the Patreon re-introduction, it seems like there isn't a sure fire answer out there. I've sent a few messages to Terufuu myself over the course of the downtime (yikes, I hope I didn't pester him too much) but didn't get a response either, and that seems to be the situation for others. Gauging from this last post from Terufuu and the long radio silence, I figure things may be hectic on his end and the best thing we can do is be patient. In short, I feel that Terufuu will come back when he's ready. We'll be here when you get back buddy <3


can't rush quality, though I do hope he's okay

Sergio Barajas

everyone misses him, hopefully he returns soon XD


Follow your passion for sure. If you can make a good enough amount of money compared to your job spending all your time here, then hundreds of people will be thankful. Can't wait to see what you do and the extra effort and creativity you will bring without having to worry about a job as well!


Hope everything goes well brother!


best of luck !!


Super excited for this pic... not that I really minded the lack of content; I expected 4 in the month because i misunderstood your "2 week" announcement and I loved Korrina! I'd would be very happy just getting updates regarding how things are coming so I know what to expect regarding pledges, plans, and the random requests (could be me one day!). Good luck being a full-time artist, and always take pride in your work it's AWESOME!

Sergio Barajas

This are really good news, wish you the best and you'll see it is the best decision you could have chosen.


Wow much respect for making a hard decision like this. we will make sure it's the right decision! get well soon!


Well hard choice, but on the bright side you can do now what you ( and not only you ) love : draw more ! BTW is it a secret what kind of job you had ? I mean was it related somehow to your artistic talents ?


Good luck and I expect great things.


Hope everything comes into place in your life Teru! It sucks being in a hard spot in life, heck I myself am in a pretty tough spot, but I know we'll eventually pull through. I'll be supporting you till the end so fear not ;)


it's good to see that you really want to commit into something you like and are good at, but I really hope that leaving your job won't affect your future life. Sickness and real life issues are valid excuses, so don't be ashamed. We're not gonna go away anytime soon.


Like others have said, hope everything works out well for you! I don't think you need to worry too much, letting us know you're still around is a good thing, but if people are impatient then just let them be. You've still been providing a whole bunch of content since the Patreon started, way more regularly compared to before. Also from the pic, looks like a group/gangbang work this time? Wondered if you might tackle something like that, looks great!


A hard decision for sure, but you definitely have my support to keep going. I really love all the work you've done in the past and now, and it will be fantastic to see even more coming! So long as it helps you grow and do what you enjoy, it's all worth it. Keep it up and go forward! Really love this preview too. It's great you went for a double feature too. These surprises always make it better! With this and the previous pics it's sure been a delightful batch! Can't wait to see what you'll hve in store for us in the future! Keep at it! ^^


You have my support, keep up the good work.


It's no big deal! We know you've got obligations outside of art. Thank you for the heads up, but there's nothing to worry about. You've been putting out some amazing content so its no problem to wait.


I wish you the best dude; this is not an easy decision. I hope everything works out for you.


Wow! That's a huge decision to make! I'm sure it was not an easy one, but you have a ton of support from the community! I really hope you still have fun and continue to love what you do! I hope for all the best for you! You have my full support!


BTW Will you draw on some stream like picarto ? I think people would love to interact with you and observe the whole process of creating your works.


Congrats! Good Luck!

Jeroz Avlesair

could also be used as incentive for one of the tiers, if picarto has password support or something


Considering the quality of the pics, I'd say they were more than worth the wait. Either way, looking forward to your next updates :)


Has anyone tried contacting or gotten any replys on when or if this page is going to open again?