Welcome. (Patreon)
The most important thing for me now is, to see what you guys think about the exclusivity of my works. As I hope you've read in my introduction page, I want to maintain the pics availabe for people out there for free (low resolution though), but posting them here and only for Patreons first, waiting at least 2-3 weeks before posting them in other places. But the moment you decide to support me with your hard earned money, I think you should have part on that decision.
Also, I'm aware that the Porkyman (: P) fandom splits massively between people who likes the anime( ash and his shipping and cotd) and those who don't and just enjoy the games ( mains, gyms leaders and NPCs) so that's one topic I'd like to discuss too. So my plan is to make 1.5-2 pieces each week ( unfortunately, for now that's everything I can afford in terms of time, I still need go to work : /), one pic of the anime characters and the other from the games/ manga.
So first, I'm just finishing a pic of Miette,Millefuei from the anime , hopefully it'll be ready today, also I have sent the first 3 $10 supporters a message asking them to tell me wich character they would like me to draw, so those will be next.
Tell me what you think.