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Well, there it goes the 2 days challenge, it seems my luck is as bad as always, my boss thought it was a good idea to rush work so we could finish sooner . That means extra hours in work and less hours to finish your requests. Good thing is I got a couple of days free so I'll be fully working on your requests.  

So let's start again with the challenge. This was 1 day work, around 7 hours or so.   

People asked me to post one of this step by step images, so here it is. The actual pic still needs work but it will be finished by tomorrow. Keep in mind I use to edit and fix many things once the pic reaches the final stages, so it might end up looking a bit different.




Will the quick pic be a collage, like above and your recent pictures of Ash's companions? Either way, Touko has my vote, I'd love to see her outfit getting ruined like in your Iris/May pictures!


You should set up a quick vote for the Pokegirl pic, make it easier to track the results.

Sergio Barajas

You have drawn already Touko (and one of my favorite pics to be honest), Hilda is her name in english versions, so i’ll go for mallow this time.


It's awesome to see how it all comes together. As for the Pokegirl pic I would go Mallow


Mallow all the way ^^!


I vote Mallow for sure!


Thanks for the tip, didn't even realize there was a poll option.


No, those will come eventually, but for now it's just like my old pics.


I vote Mallow because I like dark skin girls


Extremely happy to see back and working!