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Hi guys!

I hope you've been enjoying the work I've been uploading! I have more coming this weekend, so stay tuned!

I wanted to take a minute to open requests for patrons, however! I'll be working on them in-between other projects, but it seems like a fun way to offer something back to you for supporting me as I try to rebuild my subscription-service content library x.x

So what would you like to see?? Leave me comments on this post with ideas that can be executed in 2 - 3 images (I may add more if I have some great ideas based on your premise) and I'll see what I can whip up <3

General restrictions: No rape, No full Nudity (tasteful nudity possible), No scat. Nothing that'll get me banned from Patreon, haha.



Can two in the blob be posted on patreon? fanbox can't be used, love this genre.


Thanks(。ò ∀ ó。)