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Hey guys, its Truck here. First of all I'd like talk about the status of requests. I have finished the ones in the Rin posts comments and discord ones that I have forgotten to do (belfast nelson and harem gudako will be done today). I will start on the patreon dms, maid mika being the first one I'll do today. 

2nd Topic: Tier 2

So as I said on the last request rights I dont plan to change the request rights, but Tier 2 felt odd since I made that change, like half a set sounded weird to me, and it actually made things harder since sometimes I liked the concept or the char a lot that I wanted to do more, but couldnt as then it wouldnt be fair  to a Tier 3 request. Due to all of these problems I decided to cancel Tier 2, other than that nothing has changed for Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 5 (other than being numbered tier 2,tier 3 and tier 4 now)

3rd Topic: Discord and why you should join it 

So guys, as you know there are certain pirating sites, to combat the issue I'll be posting the zips as rars and add a password to it. The password will be the same for a month and as the new month starts I'll change it. The password will be written in a discord channel. If you have linked your patreon account to discord, you will join to the server auto and  the patreon bot will auto give your role, hence the password! If you are not using discord  you can write me from dms for it, though I highly suggest using one. If patreon bot doesnt function as intended, consider linking your discord acc to patreon %99 of the time it fixes the issue

4th topic: Tier 1

There was something bugging me and it was that whole tiers having access to whole posts, as some other patreons mentioned the issue to me. I was hesitant at first but now I feel like I should do that change, since that would also mean this whole password sequence having an another function other than fighting against pirating. Tier 1's will only have access to contents of the month they joined, however since I dont want to create any problems for the current patrons in Tier 1, this change will happen in March 1th, so please download and archive the sets you like until March 1th!

5th topic: Artstyle

As you guys have learned how much I hate this whole pirating stuff, the artstyle I managed to pull out after a long effort eventually got stolen too. I dont have a problem with it, what I hate is that whilst they have a tool which they can use to make infinite amounts of different and actually original styles, they just copy cat. Due to this, and actually after experimenting with a style I was working on before switching to the current one, I am changing my style to that since after playing with the parameters with the knowledge I have today, I think the style I achieved is way better than the current one, and it is far more consistent with a better rate of success whilst making images.

Yea I know some of you bros are saying 'Cmon Truck just go and make waifus', thats what exactly im going to do now. I hope you guys can understand why I did those big changes, and as always im grateful for everyones support🥹🙏. Oh and one last matter, as old patrons know I burned up my pc whilst playing elden ring a while ago. 3 days ago I bought a new one, that was the irl problem that made me post only 1-2 sets per day in the past 2-3 days lol. With a pc my working speed rose a lot, so expect even more sets per day till I catch up the mess I accidently made haha.



Just double checking again but you haven't forgotten my Alabama request, also love the new style!


Your PC can efficiently produce so many AI images, but it is unbelievable that it will lose to the Elden Ring…😯

Truck Kun

Back in the days I was a fool who runned stable diffusion and elden ring at the same time haha, now I use clouds


Ok, I understand why this is changing and the problem with piracy but... Discord is a big no for me, its sad but i will be supporting you until you change officially to there, best wishes to you

Truck Kun

I wont be totally switching to discord of course, its more like changing the primary operation center due to both password stuff and overall better experience with requests. I'll still be takind requests from patreon dms too, but the lower it is the better as it becomes hard af when it stacks up instead of discord