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Hey guys, Truck here! Im back from my exams and my little rest. After the exams I felt so burn out that I extended my little vacation for 2 days. In the mean time, I gave a thought to some things bothering me. As for the conclusions I want to announce that I will no longer work with my first style (Style 1). I will only work with Style 2. As for the reason for it, I no longer feel anything for style 1. I get bored whilst working with it, and feel like just making low quality stuff. Hence I will only work with Style 2 from now on.

As for the batches:

June 12: Harem Enty and Lamy seggs

June 13: Ako petplay and Hood's tennis lesson!

Hope you guys enjoy the images, and respect my choices upon future



Dei Kuri

Welcome back! Style2 is great!


Truck! Glad you are done with exams, so worried you burnt out! (Although I caught you playing Ready or Not already :p) Glad you are going with new styles. I love it and though some might not it’s best to do what makes you happy. I think while Style 1 is great it’s definitely too common place now. I don’t subscribe to too many AI creators now and primarily one of the factor is the style and how unique they are. Many artist style are similar, and few develop new style as they go along. Those are the ones I keep. Keep it up truck. And take it easy


Sad, style1 without the eye change so much better, the sketch-y feel of them were super good.


Love the style2, only reason i resubd ^^


Considering that style 1 is a fairly common topic, your solution is quite simple and understandable, since no one wants to repeat someone and have their own, let's call it, signature. I wish you good luck and good mood.

Truck Kun

Thank you! Yeah I like how Style 1 looks too but just like you mentioned it is too common now, and I dont feel myself attached to it due to that :p . As always thanks for the great words and encourage!


Congrats on finishing yours exams! Some well deserved rest is needed. Completely understand your viewpoint since I used to make wallpapers a long time ago. It made me feel great that I would get comments from people saying they could recognize that I made the wallpaper just from the style. A style that I developed over the years of experimentation and refinement. I am a massive fan of style 1 and seeing lots of copycats on pixiv/patreon is a true testament on how good the style is. Some of them get close but not near the refinement that you personally do. Style 2 just feels too blunt and soft in my eyes. Similar to a sharp knife that has dulled into a blunt one. I look forward into seeing you engineer a new style that you're satisfied with because being passionate or loving your own work is an essential part of the process. I'll stick around but may not sub every month unless the style changes into something I like. Yum tacos.

Truck Kun

Im glad you understand me to this extent! You literally said what I wanted to, but couldnt manage to. I am still tweaking the style a little by littyle, hope you like the tweaks in the future!