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Aurelia has always had this problem since she was a kid. She used to be bright and alert during the day, but when it came to getting ready for bed, she often did things without really thinking, as if she were half-asleep. It was common for her to wake up in strange places or discover odd things she had done while half asleep. Today, after working an extra-long shift, she was even more exhausted than usual.

Aurelia stumbled into the hospital's sleeping area, feeling groggy as she took off her vest and left herself in just her hospital uniform. She still had two out of three parts of her uniform on, but she wasn't sure how long that would last. In her drowsy state, she went to her locker and grabbed what she thought was 2 aspirin for her sore body. She noticed a blanket on the floor nearby and figured that must be where a bed was. Slowly, she lowered herself to the floor after removing her shorts, just as her coworker Madison walked in.

"Aurelia, you goof! I'm glad I came to check on you, or you would have ended up sleeping on the floor again," Madison said, helping her friend up and guiding her to one of the rooms with a bed and some shelves. "Alright, I still have some time left in my shift, so sleep well. I'll be back later."

Madison walked away as Aurelia removed her panties and tossed them somewhere they'd probably never be found. Madison thought to herself, "Hmm, that's strange. I thought I had closed my locker when I started my shift. Oh well."

Madison couldn't wait for the weekend when she could try the new, extra-strong Pregna-puff Pro. She was so excited as she looked at the bottle of pills in her locker. Unbeknownst to her, Aurelia had not only taken some, but had just taken twice the recommended dose in her drowsy state. Madison left and closed the door behind her.

About 15 minutes later, Aurelia woke up feeling really full and uncomfortable. She could barely open her eyes as she stumbled into the main room to find some fizzy cold tablets to soothe her upset stomach. She reached for the same pill bottle she had used earlier and dropped one into a glass of water on the nearby tray. As she sipped the water, it turned a murky brown color.

Her belly was swelling, and she ended up tumbling onto some sheets on the floor. The sudden fall jolted her awake from her drowsiness. Struggling to stand, she managed to finish the water with the pill, but her eyes were fighting to stay open.

As Aurelia, who was growing quickly, tried to regain her balance, she briefly leaned on tables and chairs while making her way back to bed. Eventually, she got stuck on a stool because of her rapidly expanding belly, which now covered her legs. Feeling surprisingly comfortable, she closed her eyes completely and rested her head on her massive belly, which had touched the ground and was supporting her as she leaned forward. What a big surprise awaited her when she woke up and was able to fully comprehend what happened. . .



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