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Three women, named Ariadne, Calliope, and Daphne, were standing on the beach very early in the morning. They were holding their hands out towards the sea. What they were about to do was a ritual to ask Poseidon, the god of the sea, for a baby.

Ariadne really wanted to have a child. She had wanted one for a long time. When she heard that Poseidon was looking for people who wanted to have his child, she came up with a plan. She went to different temples to pray for help in getting pregnant. Priapus, Aphrodite, Demeter, It didn't matter which gods or goddesses she prayed to, as long as they had something to do with fertility. She even gave them gifts to show how serious she was. But she needed two other people to join her in the ceremony, and that's where her friends Calliope and Daphne came in. They agreed to help her.

For weeks, the three of them got ready for this big day. They collected all the things they needed, like seaweed, seashells, and pearls. They also learned the special words they had to say during the ceremony.

As the sun started to rise over the ocean, they began the ceremony. They said the special words and threw the things they had collected into the sea. While they were doing this, they felt a strong and powerful energy flowing through their bodies from the purple glowing altar. 

All of a sudden, a huge wave came out of the sea and crashed over them. The foamy water covered them, the water thick and shiny like mercury supported them as they grew quickly in size. The girls drenched growing more gravid by the second, Ariadne growing many times faster than her friends.

Her plan obviously worked as she held countless children from the sea God with herself. The only way she can continue standing is by his magic tide surrounding the bottom of her belly. Stood there reveling in her size and enjoying the sensations of having life in her Araidne sighed.

'Maybe next time she could do this with Zeus and even more fertility blessings' she thought as she smiled with her eyes closed. 



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