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Do not attempt the following

Red diligently administered the cows their monthly dose of lactation hormone, a substance designed to seep easily through the skin. Nonetheless, she chose to use the new pneumatic injector, equipped with a sensitive trigger that only required a light tap to deliver the appropriate amount for a large cow. Intrigued by the new model, you walked into the barn, inadvertently startling her.

"Ouch," Red exclaimed. You noticed that she almost dropped the injector upon your arrival but managed to catch it with her legs. "I think I got some on myself," she said, expressing concern. "Are you okay? How do you feel?" "Just a little hot," she responded.

Sensing her discomfort, you guided her into the adjacent room and placed the bottle and injector on a nearby table. As Red leaned against the table for support, you noticed that her shirt had become untied at the front. Her shirt came undone as she mentioned, "I think these things are swollen." "Are you sure you're okay?" You couldn't help but stare as her chest expanded with each breath but didn't recede.

"Red, you're growing!" Speechless, Red closed her eyes, displaying a serene smile. She snapped back to reality, her gaze foggy, as she looked at you, attempting to cover herself with the now-too-small shirt. However, that lasted only a moment before the shirt was pushed aside, her mouth slightly agape, imploring you for help. Leaning heavily against the table, she suddenly exclaimed, "Ouch."

Concern crossed your mind, as her worried expression replaced the once-present smile. The smile and cloudy look returned almost instantly, and Red uttered, "Oh, it feels so good," while her size continued to expand outward.

As she ballooned in size, her knees buckled under the weight. With eyes closed and a broad smile, she pressed hard against the table. *Crash* The sound of something falling and breaking reached your ears. Still immersed in her own world, Red began to spray milk everywhere. "Oh my, it feels so good, I can't take it," she exclaimed. After a brief half-minute, her milk flow ceased.

"My socks are wet; I must have gotten some on them." Peering behind her legs, you discovered the shattered bottle of hormones on the ground, soaking her legs and socks. "Oh no... It can be absorbed through the skin... There's enough in there for hundreds of cows."

Realization dawned on Red's face as she comprehended your words. "Oh my God, how big am I going to get..." Her voice trailed off weakly before she resumed smiling. "I suppose I better enjoy it." A wide grin adorned her face as she continued to grow. "You wouldn't believe how I feel right now," she remarked.

Gathering herself, Red made eye contact with you, her eyes glazed over and her breathing heavy. She uttered, "You're going to... need to fetch... one of the milkers... from next door..." That day marked the highest milk production ever recorded on Red's farm.



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