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Broken Silicon's next guest will see us joined by Vex!  He is a Techtuber that talks about all of the typical subjects we usually do on this channel...so yeah - this one will HEAVILY depend on what YOU want us to discuss!!!  Anything from RDNA 3, to Lovelace, to consoles, to next gen products is fair game!

You have ~36 hours (Sunday Morning US Central Time) to submit below! Just be respectful, concise, and use good grammar to be considered!

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@vextakes


Chris Rijk

Suppose that with the PS5 Pro that Sony provides an option to run any game with frame generation and together with faster hardware that means any game that would normally run at 30 fps on the PS5 could now run at 120 fps. How receptive to this do you think consumers would be? How well do you think the PS5 Pro would have to sell for it to significantly affect how games developers target frame rates?

Chris Rijk

I’ve looked through various discussions on actually using frame generation in games and opinion feels quite mixed. I couldn’t find anyone saying that they had bought a Lovelace card to have the feature either. However, with 4K 240Hz monitors set to become commonplace this year, would you expect this to help increase actual usage of frame generation? (The idea being that using frame generation on a 120 fps base input would probably have fewer downsides compared to lower frame rates)