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The next episode of Broken Silicon will be joined by Ancient Gameplays!  He runs a YT Channel that touches on basically everything this channel does when it comes to graphics - RADEON, Nvidia, ARC, and their competing features.  This is an episode that will be heavily steered by your submissions below, so please do not hesitate to ask us anything everything about ongoing GPU news and upcoming releases.  Just off the top of my (Tom's) head, I am sure we will discuss:

  • RADEON vs Nvidia Mindshare in 2024 (See attached Poll)
  • Nvidia's Original Lovelace Segmentation vs Now with SUPER - Is it fixed?
  • RTX 4070 SUPER, 4070 Ti SUPER, 4080 SUPER
  • AMD's RX 7900 XT Price Drop - Do they need to drop the XTX too?
  • RX 7600 XT 16GB
  • The state of AMD FSR vs Nvidia DLSS
  • Hopes for RDNA 4 & Blackwell
  • Intel ARC in 2024 and Beyond

And again, ask away at anything you want not listed above!  Just make sure you use are respectful, use good grammar, and are as concise as possible!  You have ~24 hours (Till Saturday Evening US Central Time) to submit, but as always it is helpful if you submit within the next 12 hours. :)

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ancientgameplays

LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabiosantosAGPisco




Tom and Fabio what will it take for amd and intel to gain parade with nvidias mindshare in graphics? Can battlemage achieve this with low end and rdna4 with just midrange gpus?


With only so many node shrinks left, what should the GPU manufacturers do to give people substantial reason to buy their products at the same frequency we used to buy them? And if it is different than what you think they'll do, what do you think they'll end up doing instead?