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An upcoming Die Shrink will see a VR Modder/Engineer join us!  He's currently part of a group working to bring PS VR2 support to PC, and eventually hopes they can come close to doing for PS VR2 what Virtual Desktop did for the Meta Quest 2. Specifically, we are looking to discuss:

  • The Challenges of making the PS VR2 interface easily with Windows
  • Why so many Cables and Adapters are Necessary for wired PC VR, but not PS5
  • Why Sony is likely neglecting direct PC Support for PS VR2
  • Designing good VR Devices overall

You have at least a few hours to submit questions/comments, and likely a day or more in reality (when we record is still being ironed out)....so please don't wait to submit a question if you have a good one, but also don't be afraid to submit within 48 hours after this is posted if the episode isn't out yet!

This is a unique chance to ask more technical and behind-the-scenes questions of a guest, and we are hoping you will all help us steer the discussion to your liking with the submissions below :).



I have a PS5 and high-end PC, so I'm interested in having a VR device that would support games from both. It sounds like the biggest challenge has been controller support, so can you speak in-depth to some of the technical hurdles there?


What resolution/FPS do you think we need before VR really becomes a new kind of computing experience?


As cool as I think VR is, the biggest problem for me is the way most games make me motion sick. One of the only games that doesn't is super hot, but that's mainly because you're mostly in one spot or small area where you don't have to move much. I've tried playing games where you move foward without physically moving and it makes me so motion sick I have to take off the headset after barely 5 minutes. So with that out of the way, let me ask, do you know of any new hardware or software advancements that can help people like me who get motion sick in VR?