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The next episode of Broken Silicon will see us joined by a VFX Artist who works at Infinity Ward.  This is somebody with extensive experience working both within Activision and Sony first party studios!  Anything regarding CPUs, GPUs, and especially game development is on the table when it comes to subjects for discussion.  At a minimum we plan to discuss:

  • Current 12/8GB VRAM Issues on PC
  • AMD's options to take market share w/ 7800 XTX, 7700 XT, 7600 XT
  • Why Nvidia Skimped on VRAM despite Developers asking for more
  • Game Engine Bottlenecks and Scaling Performance with CPUs
  • Abandoning support for PS4 in order to move forward (or not)
  • 4K 120FPS as a new midrange standard target for developers

Again, he can talk about anything regarding our usual subjects, recent hardware news, or things involving game development and engines.  You have ~48 hours (Till early Afternoon on Sunday) to submit your thoughts and questions below!  Be thoughtful, use good grammar, and be respectful to have your submission considered.

Previous Time Guest was on: https://youtu.be/239ntwGzg7c







Hey Tom and Chris, Based on the last MLID podcast with the semi-anonymous Unreal dev, it seems like a big part of the problems with optimizing games for PC is that the tools aren't all that great. So what sorts of tools would make the optimization process better/easier for developers, including VFX artists like yourself?

Travis Gooding

Hey Tom & Guest. A lot of people feel the FPS genre is becoming stagnant and same. What in your personal opinion, do you think the FPS multi-player genre needs to evolve and grow, E.G. to break the current mold.


Hi Tom & Chris. Are 16 and 24GB graphics such a big deal this year or is 12 enough? Futureproofing is fine if you plan on keeping hardware for 5-10 years but if we upgrade every 2 years or so is it really that big a deal to turn down a few settings? If tomorrow's games at Medium look as good as today's games at Ultra (before considering DLSS-style tricks) then why do you think Tom is making such a big fuss about VRAM? :) (love you, Tom)


Looking back at previous GPU purchases, I have sometimes spent more than needed just so I can set everything to Ultra and not 'waste' time finding the best visual settings to target my desired frame rate and resolution. What steps to studios take to automatically select graphics options for a users detected hardware? When launching a game for the first time, is there an algorithm that adjusts various quality settings based on clock speed, shader cores, VRAM, bus-width, memory clocks, etc or is there manual QA validation? If you had to come up with an innovative improvement what ideas would you have?

Dave Scholze

Hello to the two of you! As for the guest, I do have a question: What performance-saving techniques do you use/prefer? Example: VRR, Upscaling, Frame-Generation or maybe even old-school methods to simply reduce draw calls, aggressive LODs, dithering or save on texture-memory by e.g. storing multiple greyscale textures within one RBG(A) texture file? I could ask a hundred more questions, but I'll leave it at that. :D Greetings from Germany, take care!


Hi Tom and Chris. To Chris: what are the differences between developing call of duty for PS5 and XBOX s X? The GPU’s are fairly different to my eye and does that change development atall? Does your team yearn for the recently discussed pro consoles?

Athena Azuraea

I would counter that with, do you really want to upgrade every 2 years considering these insane prices?


Hi Tom and Guest, I have enjoyed the new Call of Duty release and game on a 7900xtx. Call of Duty is one of the few games where the 7900xtx can match a 4090, meaning that it bridges about a 20% gap relative to other titles. Is there any information you can share as to why this game seems to run faster on AMD gpus relative to Nvidia? Is that something you would expect to continue with future releases?


Hello Tom and Chris, It seems that developers have decided to no longer deal with vram as the current bottleneck. I'm curious about what could be the next potential bottleneck, such as HDD, 6-core CPUs, low-speed RAM, or other factors. Additionally, with developers having more resources to work with, what improvements can we expect to see? Thank you!


Hello Tom and Guest, A recent, previous UE5 programmer spoke of pre-baked lighting being more difficult to program with than ray tracing. What are challenges of programming in-game lighting systems that do not use ray tracing and how many resources (rendering and labor hours) are devoted to non RT lighting? Should resources be freed up with RT, how can they reallocated and to what benefit for game developers and end users?


Hi Tom and Guest, Any input on how Warzone 1 + MW19 had crazy high install size (200GB or so) but Warzone 2 + MWII 22 is less than half of that (~80GB)?


Hello Tom and Guest, this is not really a question but more an observation for Tom. I think we can go ahead and claim the 4070 launch as lack luster. It’s Saturday afternoon and even MSRP cards are available all over the web here in the states. I hope this keeps up because the 4070 should be a 4060 and priced $350-400.


I once did but now I leave it a bit longer or will see if something is available for my budget (even if 2nd hand) for a decent uplift. My path was 8800 GTS, 9800 GX2, 480 GTX, 680 GTX, Maxwell Titan X, 1080 Ti (2nd hand), 4070 Ti. I used to do a full system build with every 2nd GPU upgrade.


Hi Tom and Guest. Do you think that the switch to a new engine such as unreal engine 5 would allow companies to get rid of technical debt and thereby create games faster and of better quality?


Hi Tom and Guest. Given how 8 gigs of vram have become a concern lately how do you feel gaming laptops will fare in the future?


Hi Tom and Guest. As a VFX artist how do you feel ray tracing fits into games artistically? Is it something to design around/consider. Or is it just something you drop in that's supposed to make games better

Chris Rijk

Let's say that someone wants to buy a new video card that will last for 3 years without running out of VRAM on AAA games on max settings (including ray-tracing). How much VRAM would you recommend for 1440p and for 4k? Are there any new or recent technologies that could help reduce the VRAM requirements on PC and how likely are they to be used?

Chris Rijk

For CPUs for games coming out in the next 3 years, are 8 cores going to be enough? (more than 8 "big" cores specifically). Do you foresee a time soon when gaming PCs will need more than 8 current generation cores? Let's say that next generation consoles use Zen 5 - based on current trends, would you expect them to use 8 standard cores or 16 "c" cores?

Chris Rijk

How easy do current game engines make it for developers to use lots of cores? Putting it another way, is the limiting factor more on game engine design or on developers making full use of existing game engines or APIs? Compared to efforts to optimise games for the GPU, how much work goes into game optimisation to reduce the CPU overheads or to make better use of many cores? Do you expect that ratio to change much in the coming years? (ie would you expect games to become more GPU limited or more CPU limited compared to today)

Chris Rijk

Frame generation today can help improve visual smoothness but not responsiveness (latency). Are you aware of any alternative implementations or similar concepts that can help improve both smoothness and responsiveness?

Chris Rijk

AMD just announced two professional graphics cards based on Navi 31 and one was cut down to just 70 CUs and 16GB. If AMD released a consumer equivalent, what sort of MSRP do you think it would need in order to be successful?


Oh don't worry - I've noticed. Even though we recorded BS200 the night before release...I think it was pretty clear by then I was already fairly confident the 4070 was gonna bomb based on the early data I had.

Hal Bouma

(preamble: hopefully I can get this in time, and he can answer it) Did AMD help at all to get the 7900 XTX to perform as well as the 4090, or how do you think that MW2 was able to run so well compared to other titles on it?