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As 2021 comes to a close, Tom & Dan have been feeling very reflective - there's a lot of great games we played this year...but there's also a lot of games we missed!  Come to think of it, there's a lot of classic games over the years we must embarrassingly admit we still haven't played...what about you guys?

Write in below with classic video games that you regret missing, are embarrassed you missed, or are still in your backlog!  Or, maybe tell everyone what one of your favorite games it that you have noticed a lot of people tend to ignore....

This is meant to be a very open and fun community discussion where we all talk together about games that we think either shouldn't remain in your backlog, or we must admit are still in our own despite knowing better...

You have 48 hours to submit questions :)



I'm mostly into racing games and know that Tom is not so I'll sit this one out. Btw why does Tom refer to Tom and MLID in the third person so much?


Hello Tom and Dan! I hope this finds you well. I'm curious about whether you two have played one of my most favorite games of all time: The original Deus Ex, from the year 2000. I haven't met many people who have, but I think it might be something you would enjoy. A true classic! P.S — In case you did and the above was irrelevant, have you tried Dead Space? That's another favorite of mine, and I feel that it's flown under the radar for some years. With it supposedly getting a remaster soon, I could see that changing, but nothing beats the original two.


I have over 500 games on Steam, plus a few good ones on the other platforms. I have such a huge backlog that I can't even do them justice and mention them without forgetting loads more. In the last 12 months I played Horizon Zero Dawn, Control, Northgard, and Mass Effect Legendary Edition, while leaving largely or completely untouched Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Far Cry 6, Death Stranding, Detroit: Become Human etc. etc. etc. I still have Far Cry 3 and Assassin's Creed 1 to play for crying out loud! No wonder so many games keep getting remastered, they know loads of people like me haven't played them, but still buy them! Oh, I just remembered, I didn't finish Control yet! Tom, Dan, am I a chronic loser?


That was my very first purchase on Steam, when it was down to just 5 Euros! Steam fooled me well, I've been hooked ever since, with more than 500 games 12 years later.


Hello Tom and Dan, last year I discovered a love for JRPGs when I played xenoblade chronicales 2. From that time I've been able to play more of those kind. Anyways you guys like any JRPGs?...and before you ask...yes jrpgs are different from western rpgs lol, one main difference I've noticed is that western ones tend to be have more open world type elements and dare I say slightly less focus on story? Japanese ones tend to be slightly more linear and more story emphasized...nevertheless there are exceptions.

B. Fish

I'm slightly embarrassed to say I've never played the Witcher 3. Own it on steam, multiple PC's that will run it, just never got around to it. A couple games I wish we could get on PC: NHL and NCAA football. I play hockey recreationally, go to games and do fantasy hockey and it kills me that they keep snubbing PC players. NCAA is so much more fun than Madden and I can't believe the last one is over 8 years old.


Metro exodus - mostly because I’ve been wanting to upgrade from my gtx 1080 before playing


I've been meaning to play through half life alyx. It came out last year in the middle of moving houses and after the initial hype I've still only played a few hours of it and really want to but I keep having other stuff to do than to set up VR.


My Steam backlog is looking at me accusingly. I think i'd have to go with some of the earlier Resident Evil titles or the remasters. I've only played 5 and Village. My recommendation for stuff you probably missed is Ace Combat 8, cracking good game.


Hi Tom/Tom2 I'd really appreciate a shout out for everyone to play "outer wilds." It's the most unique game I've played in years and the only single player game I've played through since Skyrim and I cannot recommend it enough.


Witcher is definitely one I've been meaning to revisit! I never bothered looking at it until I watched the show. Gotta set a weekend aside or something


I refunded it. It's a good game but you absolutely need a dedicated VR space to play it in. On a good day I have a 1m^2 play area assuming no other small people/animals cross into it. This is fine for Beatsaber or Star Wars Squadrons. It's really not fine for Alyx.


If you are stuck at home with Covid/Flu/Cold/Hangover I would absolutely recommend "World of Goo". It runs on a potato basically, the music is great and it's perfectly tuned for people that are feeling a bit sick.


Having been at uni without my PS4, I haven't much chance to play my usual selection of games. As such, I've been using homebrew and emulation to go experience some older titles: Everything from the gen 3/4 Pokémon games to smash bros brawl to the OG Super Mario Bros for the NES. But most notably were the Metroid and Metroid prime saga (A great series of exploration and adventure games. I'd recommend the prime Wii trilogy for an easier time with controls.) I also recently picked up DOOM 2016 (PS4) which I tried out a little over the weekend when I went home. I can already tell it's gonna be many hours of mindless demon-slaying fun when I come back. I guess also if you're looking for a more casual dungeon roguelike, I can't recommend 'The Binding of Isaac,' enough : D


Elite: Dangerous. I have played the tutorial a couple times and still find the control scheme inscrutable. It’s a flight-sim barrier. But there is so much game I’m missing because I can’t get over that hurdle and it bothers me. I have so many other strategy, RPG, MMO, and FPS games to play that I’ve never sunk the time into this game that I really need to.


My backlog isn't the worst, or the most mainstream, since my tastes are pretty weird. The most mainstream stuff I have in my Steam and GOG backlogs are a bunch of Fallout games I got for free, Ghostrunner, FEAR 1, and Shadow Warrior 1 and 2. I started Shadow Warrior 1 back fairly close to release, when I was gaming with a GTX 560 Ti 448 Core in my PC, and I remember both getting lost in that game and having a GPU crash. Aside from that, the rest of my backlog that aren't free games given to me by GOG/Steam is mostly strategy games I haven't started or started and dropped, old games that I missed out on release and never got to, and/or DLC for games I played through the main campaign of. As for a game people tend to ignore, I'd put Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock in that category. It's one of the earlier games in the modern standalone media tie-in game revival, but it has the best space combat system I've seen in gaming. Going turn-based is much more manageable than RTS stuff like Homeworld or the various ship simulator games where you have to juggle tons of power management while flying and shooting in real time. The only reason I haven't started it is because the developers were constantly tweaking the balance and releasing expansions, so I decided to wait until it was all out and I could grab the DLC in one-go.


The original Dawn of War is pretty great, but I've only got to playing a few missions. It would have been so great if they just made the same game with better graphics and a modern control scheme. Unfortunately Relic Entertainment was too innovative for their own good and decided to experiment with the gameplay style and theme in later iterations.


I can confirm that Outer Wilds along with it's DLC is a great experience. However, it can easily slip under the radar, as it is hard to discuss it without spoiling, it does not have flashy graphics and it does not fit neatly into a popular genre.

Travis Gooding

I somehow managed to completely miss out on Hades when it released on PC/Switch. Saw a release trailer for it on PS and said what the hell I'll try it. Well, turns out to be one of my favorite games in the last decade. Great art design, writing and above all some of the best Voice work I've seen in a video game in a long time. Im a big fan of retro/2d games and always recommend to friends Slain *Huntdown - Especially this one Blasphemous Blazing Chrome Dead Cells


Hey Tom and Dan, a game series I regret I never got to play is the Dark Soul Series. My first game in the soul Series was Demon Souls Remake, I loved it so much I tried to go back to play the old games but they didn't age well. And I can't play Bloodbourne because 30fps looks rough now a days. I am hoping that they remake the Dark Soul Trilogy for next gen and pray that Sony gives us a Bloodbourne Remaster for PS5 so I can play these games that I should have played years ago.


If you can swing spending like 30 bucks on a cheap joystick it will vastly improve your experience (at least it did for me!). Also, you have to be okay with and in fact enjoy long periods of flying. I like looking at space and imagining I’m out there so I’m okay with it, but if that doesn’t sound fun to you you’re going to have a hard time. (Btw, VR takes the game over the top. The sense of scale as you fly past a star is insane)


GOG Galaxy has my cross-launcher PC library at 270 games, of which I've really played at best 10%.. But there are a few things I've missed that I feel like I should probably get around to. I've never played a Halo game, own but haven't played Mass Effect (maybe when the remaster goes on sale), haven't played Bioshock, never finished GTA V, own but haven't gotten around to the Metro series, started but didn't really jive with the Souls games, didn't really like the witcher series (though I've heard 3 is better), I could go on.. But the biggest gaps are I've never owned a console until buying a Switch last year. So any console exclusives I've missed out on. Would particularly like to play Last of Us, God of War, the new Spiderman games, I'm sure there are a few others I'm forgetting. There are just so many good games out there, and so little time! (at least for me..) To ask a question, what're like 3-5 games that you guys feel like everyone, regardless of taste or when they started gaming, should play? (Guessing I can guess a few of yours, such as HL2, Demon Souls, Battlefield from your past discussions)

Valko Milev

What about games that we cant play anymore like robocraft. THey he ruined the game by adding autohealing and healing weapons.In other words no dark souls element

otiv lcurtš

Hi Tom and Dan! As far as my list of games-I-said-I-was-going-to-play-but-haven't-yet: The Witcher 3. This is the game that's been on my list longer than any, and yet I still haven't gotten around to even playing it for half an hour... I think its because I find Geralts voice wierd. Hollow Knight: I loved this game, but I stopped playing as soon as I reached that gloomy rainy city, and I never beat the library boss... its been my "oh, ive been meaning to start playing it again" game for 3 years now.. Red Dead Redemption 2. I Didn't have any usable hardware to play this on, when it came out, soo, it been on my list. But since Rockstar seems reluctant to provide any sort of DLC for the game, and just neglects Online in favour of GTA... Im sort of in no rush. any Dark Souls/Souls type game..Ive been meaning to try any of these games out to "test myself", but ive just...haven't yet...


Hi Tom & Dan, I too have a wide array of games in my backlog, but I’ve recently gotten back into Castlevania games. My #1 game I’m looking forward to playing for the first time is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (for PlayStation 1). It’s one of many games that I skipped from my youth and I feel I must go back and play. About 6 months ago, I set my old PC up as an emulation machine so my 5 year old son and I could play classic console games together in our living room. My goal for him is to allow him to experience the evolution of games by starting with old consoles and working our way up. We’ve worked our way up to SNES and will soon be “upgrading” to Nintendo 64 and PS1. Once a new Switch releases with decent hardware, I’ll get us one of those. But for the next year and a half (before the new Switch releases) we’ll be working our way up through the console generations. Once he’s on modern-day hardware, I think he’ll have a deeper appreciation of it as opposed to starting his gaming experience on it from the beginning.


I know you guys shit on Cyberpunk, but on PC it's absolutely great. Even on my friend's PC with a 970 and an i7 4670. So if you've got the hardware for it, play it, try NOT to be biased from internet propaganda, because most of it came from salty console gamers. The PC reviews are good. So is the game, on PC, on good hardware.