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In the last Die Shrink poll you all indicated we should feel free to get a little off-subject with tech....and me and Dan want to talk about Google Glass!  We will also talk about early Wearable watches.

Write in below! 

  • Did you think Google Glass looked cool?  Did you expect it to succeed?
  • Have you tried Google Glass?  Did you enjoy it?
  • Should Google have cancelled it...or not?
  • What about those goofy Pre-WearOS watches?  Did you expect Smart Watches to becoming popular?
  • Are there other wearables outside of glasses and watches you want to mention?

You have at least 24 hours to write in, but try to get them in by Wednesday Afternoon to be safe!  Be insightful, use good grammar, and be concise. :)



Until wearables project holograms and shoot lasers, I'm not interested.


X-ray glasses.. come on, teenage me is still waiting for them.


With how our eyes work with the light reflecting and being “read” by out brain. If you did go invisible, then your eye sight would so disappear as there is nothing for the light to reflect on. So just like your vision, you teenage dream is gone. You could just be floating eyes and freak people out. Slowly blinking in and out of existence.


Whelp, there goes my dreams of seeing through women’s under garments. Sorry Tom, didn’t mean to take there, but here we are, so…..


I only encountered one person who was wearing Google Glass. It was probably almost ten years ago and I got a call about a domestic disturbance (I am a police officer). When I got to the location there was a man wearing Google Glass. He let me know that he was recording me and instead of talking about why he was arguing with his roommates we talked about his Google Glass for ten minutes. At the time I thought they would take off and that they would become as popular as smart watches are today. Maybe when the technology catches up we will get another chance. Love the show. Keep up the good work Tom and Dan. P.S. The disturbance was just an argument between roommates that were a little too loud for their neighbor's liking.


Honestly a little disappointed that Google Glass didn't take off. Seeing where smart watches are now I could see a relaunched version doing very well with the improvement of performance in smaller devices like watches. Hoping for another Google Glass or something like it to eventually ditch the phone for a Glass and tablet or laptop in the near future.


I feel like Google Glass is pretty emblematic of Google's weird "you get promoted if you head a project that makes a product" structure. The product itself was fine on a fundamental technology level, but they pushed it out onto the market too fast and didn't think through the implications of what they were offering. I'm not surprised that it's coming back as a business only device (https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/4/21121472/google-glass-2-enterprise-edition-for-sale-directly-online), but I don't think they thought through the form factor for it. I'm not sure you can clip that thing on to a set of those cheap safety glasses for factory workers. I don't think the tech will really make it big in consumer circles until it becomes super unobtrusive or people just slap an OLED screen on the inside of prescription lenses. Having to wear a thing on another thing is just awkward, and it being obvious makes social interactions uncomfortable.


Google glasses always seemed kinda silly to me and i never saw much point to it. i already look at my phone like 12 hours a day. dont need to look at whats essentially a screen even more. But i am pretty interested in smartwatches. i feel like they blew up because theyre very simple. its a watch but you can use it to change your music, see notifications and simple stuff like that without pulling out your phone. i actually want to get a cheaper one soon. thinking about getting a oneplus watch once they figure out the bugs and get more features or something.

Dr Forbin

Personally I have dreamed of wearables since I saw Dick Tracy wear one in comic books. I haven't seen any that were truly practical and indispensable. Google glass was ahead of its time. It was expensive and exclusive, Google did little to market it to the masses. These days unless Apple makes a version of it, it doesn't become mainstream. I am not a fan of Apple, however Americans have little imagination when it comes to technology because we respond to marketing these days.