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Our next guest will be someone with quite a storied history in gaming - Colin Moriarty.

He started as a freelance journalist and game guide writer for various outlets, and eventually became a major podcast host for Podcast Beyond, Sacred Symbols, Fireside Chats, and Knockback.

At this point he is in charge of an outlet of both XBOX & PlayStation podcasts, Colin's Last Stand, and he also writes & creatively leads an indie game studio, Lilymo Games.




(Only accurate before 2016): https://www.linkedin.com/in/colin-moriarty-b52b6432/

We will be heavily discussing the state of gaming & tech journalism, the current console war, and perceptions of PC Gamers by more console-centric outlets.  There should also be a decent amount of discussion about how important performance ever was to the current and previous console generations.

You have until Saturday evening to submit questions.   Be concise, and double check your grammar to have your comments considered people!  Put those questions/thoughts below!



Hey Tom and Colin, with the rumored (almost confirmed) specs of tech that is coming out in the near future from Intel, Nvidia and AMD. Getting rumors that the 7900xt will be about 2x as powerful as the 6900XT and Zen 4 and Raptor Lake to have 24 cores and a 20% IPC increase from last Gen. By 2026 or 2027, this kind of performance or better should be expected on the PS6 or Xbox (whatever they want to call it). I say all this to ask, do you see tech advancing so fast, and prices of graphic cards going up each generation, that people who just want to game, and game alone will just buy a console that will cost between $500-$700 and be done with the inflated prices of PC parts? We are already beginning to see some of that this generation.


Hi Tom and Colin, considering the recent reports by hardware Unboxed and Linus Tech Tips regarding tech manufacturers trying to influence their reviews (specifically LG and NVidia in the case of Hardware Unboxed), is this prevalent in the tech industry and to how broad an extent are the tech press bowing to the pressure?


Hey Tom and Colin, gaming focused question here. Have you ever experienced pressure to report on or review a game that has lots of hype in a positive light to prevent backlash or disappointment from readers?


Hey Fellas, I was wondering if Colin has considered gaming on his work rig? If I remember correctly his brother built him a machine to work on with a 2070 Super in there :) there are some PC exclusives I know Colin would live but I know he's afraid of the maintenance perhaps of PC gaming.

Jen-Hsun Huang

The Nvidia shield TV is the best console. Prove me wrong.

Beech Horn

Microsoft has just added FSR to the GDK for Xbox, AMD will be adding it to GPUOpen mid-July (for all PC devs instead of a select few) however with Sony's notoriously glacial release pipeline, how long do you think this new feature will take before (all) PlayStation developers have access to start to integrate this new shader into their games?


Hey Tom and Colin what do you think about business decisions that Nvidia has been doing for some time? I am mostly talking about releasing 3080ti despite lack of supply or 3070ti having a very suspicious launch with very limited or even zero stock of reference editions. Why aren't tech journalists more critical of Nvidia when they are clearly making some anti-consumer decisions and do you think that this behaviour will hurt their brand in the long run?


Hi Tom and Colin, In my experience trophies and achievements seem to be less of a PC thing and more of a console thing. Has that been your experience too? if so any idea why that is? BEYOND!


Hello Tom and Colin. Obviously graphics alone doesn’t make a game good. However has there ever been a game with visuals that were so below par or poor that it substantially lowered your opinion of a game? Also at what point should developers drop last gen consoles and develop for next gen only? At launch? 1year etc.? Thanks.


So there's one good thing about both consoles being sold out for months... it seems the console war noise is a lot quieter compared to the last generation. Yes, there are still discussions but it doesn't seem anywhere near as hostile as I'm used to. Is your experience similar?


Hi Tom and Colin. More and more people are standing against purchasing a game pre-release because of the large number of games reaching their release date unpolished, buggy, and underwhelming. So I have two questions: 1) When will studios end the crunch period that punishes developers and Q.A. testers for something that is not really their fault? and 2) Why isn't the gaming industry, namely publishers, putting a stop to bad releases and devaluing their own work? Because as things stand, I'm heavily influenced by their culture to wait for that game to reach a 50% off sale, and only then reconsider a purchase.


What can you say about the differences between development/design on different platforms? For example, how different is developing for Switch vs PC vs the consoles? Also, have you considered Proton compatibility at all when developing for PC, and if so what did that entail?


Hi Colin, great to have you on. Since I grew up with nintendo consoles, from DS to GC to Wii, I've enjoyed a few great games from them, including Pokemon White and emerald (on my iPhone), and I have to ask: Is it me or are pokemon games just shit nowadays? While i've never touched the gen 6-8 games, something about them to me just seems off. Whether it's the the jarring change from 2D to 3D or the seemingly never changing overly-formulaic structure, something has just caused me to lose my interest in the newer titles. Also, im surprised no ones asked about the shocking non-viability of the Xbox game pass business model. Anyways, cheers as always!


Hello, As a games journalist how do you feel about the stigma that games journalists are bad at video games? Do you think that's a stigma to criticize the quality of game reviews or is there something more?


Hey TDC, First time long time: Of the most established series in gaming what which do you think has the most potential to "knock it out of the park" over the next year in terms of striking the balance between selling a lot of copies and receiving high reviews from the industry? A few examples on my list are the Tales of series, Final Fantasy, The Last of Us, Metal Gear (potentially), etc, but would love to hear your thoughts. Keep chocking that chicken! -Lynn and Jim


Hey Colin, do you see anti-cheat software becoming more accepting of Linux anytime soon? I'm curious as to your thoughts on whether you see Linux becoming "first-class citizen" for AAA/e-sports titles, or will it forever be an afterthought run via elaborate compatibility hacks? Put another way, what is needed to make the tide really turn to favor Linux?