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Our next guest will be an Azure SAP Engineer!  Planned subjects include:

  • XBOX Series X APU Deployment in Servers (He confirmed multiple use cases)
  • Game development, game engine tech, and console hardware (he studied 3D Animation & Game Development)
  • Benefits of utilizing Intel Servers and Optane
  • AMD's EPYC Advantages
  • How Cloud Server services actually work
  • The benefits of a company still having their own servers

Our guest has a ton of experience in cloud, server hardware, gaming, and game development.  We expect and look forward to a diverse set of questions!

Put your comments/questions/thoughts below, and ensure they are thoughtful, use good grammar, and are as concise as possible.  We may get to them if they are!

NOTE: You have ~30 hours to have your comments safely considered for the episode (Thursday Evening US Central Time is the rough cut off)



Hi Tom, I'm a recent computer engineer graduate and I am currently trying to get a job in the gaming industry. I wanted to ask your guest if there is any advice to get started in the gaming industry. I have experience in Unity, Unreal, Maya, CC3, Auto-CAD, and IClone but having a hard time getting a job. Any gaming engines, or software, or techniques that I should learn that will help me my resume standout?


Hi Tom and Guest. Latency times seem to be the talk nowadays when it comes to more competitive titles. How far in the last 5 years has latency reduction come and what is the biggest bottleneck that developers face moving forward? Also how long can it take to full deploy a new set of gaming servers that focus on cross-play?


What can you tell us about Microsoft's new relationship with Linux? With Azure offering Linux and the WSL, Microsoft seems to be adapting to the fact that Linux is quite popular among developers, and that there are clear advantages to developing on the same platform you deploy on. Also, do you see any future with Microsoft's cloud gaming (or DirectX) and Linux?


Where do you see the cooling of server hardware going in the future? From data centers at the bottom of the ocean to dunking hardware in dielectric fluids, Microsoft has an interesting history of exploring different ways to cool server hardware. I am curious if you have any further insight.


Why do you think that Azure didn't become as dominating as a platform as other Microsoft products, like Windows did?


Hi Tom and Guest! My question is can you please ask your pal Bill Gates to unfuck my W10 install, as his mid April update made Doom Eternal run like choppy garbage. Thanks both for you time. I look forward to listening to the discussion.


What is the future of WSL and OSes in general? As I understand it, with WSL2, the entire OS sits on top of a hypervisor, and is almost virtualized, and that allows WSL2 to have an NT kernel sitting next to a Linux kernel. Is this the future? Transitioning OS into hypervisors, and running each application or set of applications as containers using microkernels? There are people using pared down NT kernels and containers to use Windows apps seamlessly on Linux. You have things like Qubes OS, which works similarly. This setup can bring greater software diversity, stability (and recoverability), snapshotting of containers can tie very nicely into persistent memory... and you would also get potential for more seamless integration of different devices - desktop, home NAS, HTPC, and of course a smartphone and cloud apps. Is this hypervised, containerized, and kernel-agnostic setup the future of personal computing?


How long does it usually take AMD to fulfill deliver products. I read somewhere that intel delivers it in matter of like 2 weeks and with amd customers are waiting 3 months. What is your experience?

Rentaro Matsukata

What does an SAP engineer have to do with anything that's actual software or hardware engineering? This is a rude, but honest question.


Internally, what does Microsoft view as their strengths and weaknesses vs AWS (and Google Cloud)?


What do you think about serial memory interfaces? Technologies like CXL or IBM's OMI have many advantages over current parallel memory paradigm. You can attach flash as persistent memory, you could use any DRAM chips (DDR, GDDR, even HBM), combine them... it would require a custom chip (or FPGA) in the middle, but I would expect the hyperscale would exploit this opportunity. And you could also desegregate compute and memory far more than ever before, which could make the logistics of building up, maintaining and updating a datacenter far easier. You could have all the memory in one specilized rack, instead of spread out in each node. How will these opportunities change the various types of datacenter, from smaller private settings all the way to cloud/hyperscale?


Tangent to the Optane topic... I've recently been doing some research on serial memory interfaces like GenZ, CXL and I think most importantly OMI. One of the things that I always saw brought up by the IBM guys with respect to OMI is that you can basically attach whatever memory you want through the buffer chip. This is particularly in contrast to the present implementation of Optane which basically uses the DDR4 bus, so you need to dedicate memory channels to use the Optane DIMMs, thus losing DRAM capacity and bandwidth. How does this affect the guys speccing out the servers for the datacenters? Do you think you would get a big advantage out of using OMI and having a DIMM with say 256GB of DRAM backed by 1TB of persistent memory relative to what intel is currently offering? Maybe you'd like to talk more about the opportunities you see with serial memory interfaces in the future be it in large datacenters or at a smaller scale (e.g memory disagregation, maintenance aspects, separate upgrade cycles for memory and compute, more flexibility with memory types, in/near memory compute)?


Was the Xbox Series X APU originally designed to be also used in servers?


What is the future role of consoles, if cloud gaming becomes efficient and popular enough, is such a future inevitable given that more and more powerful hardware will become more and more expensive? If so, how long could it take, a decade or two? Does our guest agree with the statement that consoles will become more of an interface for a home entertainment center, and companies that miss this moment while remaining in the old pattern will fail? What our guest thinks about "CORE" at Epic Games seems to be the first attempts to virtualize the game platform. How realistic is it for the game platform to become a virtual world of entertainment content, at the moment it seems more like an experimental?


With my uncle recently doing up his home networking and setting up a plex server to watch content on his off-hours (he travels a lot), what are your views on people hosting their own private clouds? Is this is something you endorse? Is it something you do yourself? Again keep up the great work guys.


Where do we go from here as far as console gaming ? With the advancement of PC's is there really a need for a console ?


Why is windows 10 desktop os not on the xbox console? I feel this would open up alot of options for the budget gamer that can't afford to upgrade their pc. Also it would give the Xbox a considerable advantage over PlayStation.

Timo H

My simple question is, after about a decade of mainstream cloud and online play, how much effort in game development as a whole is allocated towards online (not content creation), to design and run online platforms and servers in 10s of thousands for some games, of overall game studio staff/resource budget? 2000s game development was pretty straightforward process, excluding constant new tech, just make game with some genre formula, as a big project, then ship bug fixes and move on to next project. Now games are services with constant online requirement and even regular content updates, adding to that infrastructure. 1993 Doom network code I consider outlier, only rockstar guru level developers can implement network play in couple of days. And second question, if time allows, how economics of games has shifted with this online focus, as there are running costs, and people still mostly buy one time purchases of microtransactions or game purchase/season pass.


How would you say Azure/MS is differentiating itself in cloud against AWS/Google/etc beyond it's history with enterprise? And specifically in cloud gaming, what does xCloud do differently compared to Stadia/Luna?

The Immortal Cameraman

I'm going to avoid the generic "wHy DoN't YoU gUyS hAvE mOrE gAmEs" question and ask more nuanced questions: 1. Given Microsoft implements Xbox Play Anywhere for cross-platform (albeit digital only) ownership of 1st party titles on Xbox and PC, does this streamline game development for both platforms? Or adds complexity to the development process? 2. With the Xbox Series meeting performance demands of most gamers, do you see developers better leveraging Xbox Play Anywhere given the much improved hardware of the Series consoles vs the One consoles? On a side note, does this tie into Series X|S optimizations of recent Xbox titles that are on par with their current PC counterparts?