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Tom does his first livestream from his new house in Nashville, and there is A LOT to talk about!  Upcoming Ampere releases, Zen 3 vs Alder Lake, and Intel's future architectures can all be discussed...if viewers want!

Put your questions/comments about the news/content from this month below, and Tom will answer some tomorrow at the beginning of the livestream.  Just make sure you use good grammar, be thoughtful, and keep it as concise as possible!




If you had to build a PC for AAA games right now, Would you ? A build a second hand budget rig or, B sell your soul to scalpers and build a new system ?


Onward with the important questions Tom: can you distinguish the accent between someone from East Tennessee and Alabama yet? :)


As former longtime Nashvillian, curious about why you chose that city? What impressed you about it? How does it align with your plans for the future?


If you could be invited to join a product development team such as the team working on alder lake, DG2, strix point, or RNDA3 etc. What team would you want to "spectate"? and why? Feel free to elaborate. Love the content and I'm glad I can support what you are doing!


On the scale of 1-10, how would you rate moving? 1 being - I don't ever want to pickup another box in my life 10 being - This is so exciting and exhilarating. Why didn't I do this sooner? I will generously rate my last move as a 3


A few days ago Dr. Ian Cutress in his Alder Lake ''analysis'' said that it won't / should not come this year due to DDR5 ''not being ready''. On the other hand, an article from 4 days ago on tomshardware says ''Crucial's DDR5 RAM Is Ready For Retail''. Do you still think Alder Lake with DDR5 will come out this year? Can we expect any Alder Lake leaks from you in May?

Josh Law (adn)

not a question. but i just wanted to say i'm a nurse, and i absolutely love listening to broken silicon and die shrink in the background of doing mountains of paperwork and documentation, thank you!


It's good to see you're finally settled into Nashville. Saw some pics from Twitter, those stairs look sketchy af. Also have you ever thought about doing a fan meetup? I live not far from Nashville. Having a beer with my favorite YouTuber/Podcaster would be a treat.


Like myself, I guess there is a lot of people sitting on 6700k / 7700k or similar CPU not upgrading to current stuff like AMD 5800X because (if only gaming) the FPS gains in 4K are what, 5-10%? Not worth changing to a platform that you know can't be upgraded any further. I think Adler Lake will be a big seller not necessarily for its better performance but because it will be a DRR5 upgradable platform.


Intel's generation-on-generation improvements have not kept pace with AMD in the past few years. However, the public seems quick to forget about security vulnerabilities such as Spectre, Meltdown, etc which produce "negative gains" year-on-year and counteract legitimate performance gains. For example, a 10% performance gain would almost entirely be "lost" to a 10% performance hit due to a vulnerability, appearing to the public as "zero net improvement." Do you believe this explains at least part of Intel's inability to compete? In other words, are they making legitimate performance gains gen-on-gen, but vulnerability mitigations are "cancelling them out" so we don't notice on the whole?