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Tom goes solo to speak directly to the patrons about the past, present, and future of Moore’s Law Is Dead.  More specifically, this is an open discussion about how MLID might grow and change its content in 2021…and we want your feedback!

There's also a handful of Tech-related Reader Mails Answered as always!




You are Unique and Original, don't change the formula too much. Greetings from Berlin.

Chris Rijk

I agree with your concerns about the potential problems with focusing too much on one thing, like speculating about future products. So, what's the right balance? It's variable for a start, I think. It's probably more useful to speculate about long term things when there's nothing sexy coming soon. It's probably not a good idea to combine specifically open-ended / blue sky speculation with discussion of specific future products based around credible leaks, for example. I don't mean that discussion of specific future products based around credible leaks should not include speculation, just that it should be reasonable speculation around that and not wander too far.

Michael Costa

Ive been scratching my head for year wondering how you don't have a producer or a consultant, hell an intern that does the admin and content organization side while you guys are doing all the homework, bench marking, etc and stuff that I'm not gonna do. I would like to see the channel grow into something that can output quality and quantity content at an LTT rate. I also kinda want to to see you and Dan possibly make a patron gaming stream show , maybe play a game with someone as you do an interview but this is for laughs, not competitive play.

Josh Law (adn)

personally love things the way they are. the style of content you do is so unique and distinct from other tech tubers and i feel that you fill a great niche. i also appreciate your forward looking attitudes, and technical coverage of consoles. Thats a nice change of pace compared to other creators.


Not becoming full of shit is probably the best thing you can keep doing. I think you're in a unique position to be a more technical channel. After your last BrokenSilicon I realized that's where your channel delivers something much different from the rest. Dave also brought up a lot of history and really got me interested in looking into that stuff, if you were to expand into covering something like Von Neumann Architecture I'd be all over it. I think you've got a good thing going, I like your channel because everything is substantial. I like LTT but pumping out 5 videos a day fatigues the viewer and honesty doesn't lead to the kind of depth you provide. I got hooked on your leak videos, however the depth of your analysis on chip manufacturing and realistically framing what a rumor means made me interested in the creation of processors. I think you should keep up the variety and keep being different. There's a million benchmarks and ten times as many opinions on the validity of those benchmarks, I don't think you need to do that to grow. As a digital product manager I'm always interested in hearing about your business decisions. You're a very interesting person and I'm glad I get to see this channel grow. Also, I mean yeah, Dan is the shit and is the secret sauce boss of the channel. Thanks for the great content and for giving me something to get interested in during COVID.


I think you have a great balance as is. My favorite content are the industry interviews and videos. Your personality and ability to genuinely converse with you guests really shines and think it where you strongest. So more of that is always appreciated. The quality of your info is great and I think you have the right approach of quality of information first. Tech tubers are a dime a dozen so I don’t have time for the guys who just try pull stuff out of their ass to get the views. So the fact I can trust your content with in reason is important. I think you’re right with follow what your passionate about. I never feel like “why didn’t Tom cover X”. If I really need a take on something you haven’t covered I can look elsewhere or shoot a question into the discord.


Tsk tsk. I was to busy to write in for this, but clearly no one remembers the most important piece of content: Forum Cop! Now, to be a bit more serious, for cracking down on durations of Broken Silicon, having an “uncut” or “after hours” extensions past the 1.5 hour (or whatever you make your harder cutoff) mark, where you want to keep discussing things which are off your set of topics. As a bonus at some tier. With expectations where it **is not edited** and is meant for people who really enjoy the guest/extra topics you and Dan choose to discuss.


Stay mostly audio please, and please keep the podcast long enough to dig in to subjects, the world has more then enough fruit fly attention span content.


I also would say stay audio only for BS and DS. For me at least, I have a lot more time in my day that I can listen to things than that I can watch them. Most of your videos I just listen to, or maybe do picture in picture in the corner of my screen. I think that the amount of info/value we'd get out of you doing a more produced/better lit video vs what you have now wouldn't really justify the cost. Don't get me wrong, you and Dan are perfectly handsome dudes, but I don't need to see you in 4k :P One other thought, I just listened to the last BS with the memory engineer, and though I enjoyed it, I had to pause and google terms a lot. I know that a good chunk of your audience clearly knows way more about this stuff than I do, judging by the questions they asked, but a few "explanatory commas" here and there so that us lay people could follow along just a little better would be awesome. Not that I think you should dumb things down by any means! Beyond that, I'd say I broadly agree with the sentiments expressed in the episode. Keep doing what you're doing!


I enjoy both podcast only and video versions. I *do* like the video where graphics & Powerpoint slides can add valuable info and context. As an engineer in the Si industry I really enjoy seeing some of the analysis & data that back up your often insightful commentary. Though the podcast format is also nice where I can just background it whilst doing other stuff. Also enjoy the look ahead "rumor" stuff but do agree that you can't stray too far from what trusted sources say or you gradually destroy your hard won reputation. The episodes with industry veterans/insiders like Dave & Daniel were amazing - more please! :) Also enjoy the format where you alternate Broken Si episodes with Dan, who often has thoughtful stuff to add. Keep up the great work!


Audio only is something I enjoy about the Moore's Law is Dead channel very much. Still I can see it being very fun to have a video based content. I listen to a video based podcast from Belarus "IXBT live" (they mostly talk about games and the behind the scenes stuff about the gaming industry) . You could do something similar when you discuss a topic with Dan, to help the listeners to visualize what both of you are talking about. I would enjoy Tom's Hiking podcasts coming back or something like this in the top Patreon tear where you make of good and also stupid jokes, discuss something less focused just on gaming hardware and gives your honest opinion about topic not everyone would agree to. Additionaly you could make podcasts with Dan about Music, books, games that you enjoyed and would like to share your opinion about it or just I don't know, BBQ with Dan and Tom live every couple of month. After the pandemic going to the big Tech shows like CES could be cool, to watch where you film everything that cought your attention and because you will have bigger audience by that time why don't address the company's representatives on certain topics by yourself during this shows. Watching certain events about gaming live I would also enjoy very much (like Sony playstation and xbox conference).

Kiwi Phil

Yes Forum Cop is vital in the current environment because the advice online is becoming more and more rubbish.


I prefer multiple short videos or podcasts instead of a long one. If you go ahead with your idea to have a video with first news and then some interview, please make it part one and part two with each being no longer than an hour. I am not sure it's technically possible but I wish the $2 tier could have read access to the rooms with the questions on discord with maybe a possibility to up vote questions, even if we can not add our own questions. Thanks.


Hi Tom. I enjoy your videos and podcasts. I like the way you rarely shy away from giving your opinion and come to reasonable conclusions about the big picture in tech hardware. My favorite videos are ones where you speculate about future tech. I prefer that over tech leaks. I'm not going to hold you responsible for not knowing the exact amount of Cuda cores or exact boost clock of a gpu that comes out in 3 months and sells out in 3 minutes. I liked your suggestion of dropping unedited or less edited podcasts for patrons. I also would like to see videos of interviews for Broken Silicon and or Die Shrink. I know it would be a while because it requires much more equipment and resources.

Jan Rohner

I just can agree, your content is a pretty good mixture and thats why a lot of people love your stuff. Keep it going and a wonderful 2021.


I like the current balance between leaks and more opinionated content. As much as I would love to have more leaks or rumors earlier I agree that more speculation or going out on a limb would be used to discredit the channel. What I appreciate the most about this channel is if you publish something then I can be pretty sure it’s going to be a reality. Other channels feel like constant clickbait


Hi Tom, as I wrote before, I'm most interested in leaks. I don't mean that all the content of the channel should be only about leaks. I also like your content on other topics. I really do. I just want to let you know, since you asked us directly what we were interested in, that I am personally most interested in leaks. That is the most important to me. I like your style, and I really appreciate the current content of this channel. Thanks very much for all your work!

Yours truly, Johnny Dollar

Hi Tom, I do have a suggestion to make it seem less like you are bragging when you discuss leaks that proves true. The simplest thing would be stop referring to yourself when you discuss it. If you couch it in terms of "this specific piece of information from such and such video was correct", it makes it sound like you are presenting the evidence for the argument you are making instead of bragging.


I really like the in depth episodes with knowledgeable guests. The episode on memory with Dave Eggleston was like a PBS Nova episode. Keep it up Tom


I think a large part of the success of broken silicon, is due the the banter between you and Dan making any topic fun and enjoyable. I do have an idea for a video podcast though. A video game club, like a book club. Every month you tell the community game you guys will be playing, then the community can join in and as the video podcast have a discussion about it with the reader mails being their thoughts and experiences in the game.


Hey there, one of my favourite shows of yours was the one with Daniel Nanni. I think you are right, bringing these kind of knowledgeable guests really ads to your show. And I like that these interviews very quite long like 60 min + because that way, your guests could really dive into the matter, and when it got too hard to follow I just took a break and enjoyed the rest later


I listened to this when it came out but just remembered to leave a comment. I did not comment on the original post for this Die Shrink as when I looked over the questions I think everybody else had things covered. I did have one concern and it turns out you did as well - and addressed that in this episode. My concern was not in regards to MLID the channel / podcasts / content etc. but was in regards to the potential for burn out. I thoroughly enjoy all the MLID content and the community we have in discord and I think you have a pretty good idea of where you want to take the ‘brand’ but I definitely hope for Patreon growth this year so that you can hire a producer. Around maybe November to the end of last year it was kind of obvious (at least to me) that you needed a break and seemed frustrated at times. I’m glad you were able to unplug around the holidays and that you are taking another break now. Going forward I hope you are able to keep a good balance of work and personal time. I know we all love the amount of content that’s put out but I would gladly take slightly less content but improved quality. Wishing you to another great year of growth for MLID and am excited to be a part of this community. Thanks for all you do Tom. Tldr; take more breaks, avoid burnout, quality of quantity.


I'm enjoying the mixture of content, the guest conversations have been very insightful. You did great with the leak material and it's presentation. I always look forward to your analysis of current and future tech events. Agree with the others, audio only is absolutely fine with me.


The rare occasional video feeds are perfect, and the long talks with industry people bare the most interesting bits about their fields. I prefer long podcast and the video sprinkled between


I listen to MLID to gain interesting new insights in various topics and to listen to intelligent discussions about big picture stuff. Even the channel name sums up the appeal. To me it means you say what you know is right, even when everyone else is saying something trendy and stupid instead. MLID also serves as a great sleeping aid at night. The effect is even greater on people who don't care about gaming hardware. :) I personally would see no benefit from improved video quality and a studio, but extra eye candy may help you gain new subscribers, especially on the videos you know will be popular. In terms of the topics discussed I like to know the insight not so much the detail. I care about the trends and motivations. Guests from different backgrounds are good: they only have time for the general trends in a few hours. When they come from a niche I have little prior knowledge of, most of the information will be new. If their niche affects a lot if things then it is interesting. Nvidias ultimate play was quite nice as it explained their motivations and strategy: theres an interesting story that everyone can relate to. Similarly AMD becoming competitive again was an exciting story with a lot of drama. And as you were one of the very few sources giving good information at the time, it earned you a subscriber and later a patron. Some of the detailed leaks about individual products are less exciting to me . For purchasing decisions I can wait for reviews till the thing is out and I only buy components every few years anyway. Otherwise the product details are only exciting if they are surprising and tell a good story. Simply detailing that competent companies will have better products next year than last year could become boring. However I do expect you to have some leaks, so that I can trust your info is good, thus your conclusions will be reliable. I think AMD leaks have less value now, given everyone accepted they are competent and expect better things next time. Please keep up the opinion and speculation. My only advice is to always go back and check how your speculation worked out in order to keep it grounded. I think you don't need to religiously stick to gaming hardware. If there's anything you care about, thought about and have some insight to share then it may be interesting. I really liked "Aliens don't exist" from Adored as he provided sensible discussion on a topic where I have not heard sensible discussion before. On the other hand branching out into politics is not worth it. It's too mainstream. People want to hear less of it, not more. And even if you discuss it intelligently, I don't expect there's much to say that hasn't been said many times before. A tiny quality of life request: I listen by downloading a few files from patreon. It would be nice if the files all had the topic in the name, not just DS34.mp3 for example.


For me, the biggest appeal of the channel is the diversity of content. Being able to get a mix of: - regular news - leaks that you've actually thought about, that aren't wild speculation - in-depth analysis with guests (LOVED the memory engineer episode) - looking forward beyond the next generation or two of tech, without going fully down the Coreteks path—like examining quantum computing with the basic understanding that quantum computers aren't magical, they don't "do all the steps at the same time"; that really they just have more operations on qubits than are available on classical bits, which allows some algorithms that finish in fewer steps for specific tasks - analysis of the realities of the industry, and in particular I'm very interested in hearing more about what companies are going to do about the TSMC crunch (which really seems to be largely Apple buying up everything) EDIT: oh yeah, and having a memory of what's happening with these companies that seems to go back more than a week...