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Tomorrow me and Dan will be doing the end of year livestream!  Rest assured that there will ALSO be a new "Tom & Dan" Broken Silicon next week, but if you have pressing questions you would like us to answer now - put them below!

Be thoughtful, be insightful, and use good grammar - we may just read your question for the LIVE show!



Jake_ Dude_23

Hello Tom and Dan! I know you’ve talked all about the upcoming AMD architectures in various videos in podcasts, but I would love if you would reiterate the next stage of AMD releases and what they mean: Cézanne, Big Renoir, Rembrandt, Zen 3+, Zen 4, etc. I know all these names but I can never remember which has what. Thanks!


What is something that you were looking forward too at the beginning of 2020 that turned out to be a disappointment? Conversely, whats something that you thought would be bad, but ended up surpassing your expectations? (Can be anything, not just PC hardware)

Dominik Koc

Dear Tom and Dan, Tom... do you have a gaming face that you only make while gaming? No explanation necessary, a pinned pic in discord will suffice. Dan... does the idea that some noob with a few grand, a biology text book, a crispr set, and a few viral strains, can made a super virus and accidently kill off humanity... keep you up at night? On gaming related news, to you both... I've seen rumors that laptops will be packing 165hz 1440p screens with 3080s inside. Yay or nay and why?


Part of the charm of the new consoles is the quietness of them (always virtually silent even at full load). Do you see any future where PC components will be built for silence in mind even at full load (without resorting to crazy watercooled setups)?


The end of the year is a great time to reflect and think on what we want to improve next year. What lessons have you guys learned this year? Either something personal or hardware related. What lessons should hardware manufacturers learn from this year and what should we expect them to improve upon next year? I personally found this channel this year and fell in love with it real quick. Thank you for creating this community, I wish you a happy new year and here's to an amazing 2021! 🍷


If you had a time machine and could hop back by 365.2422 days to fully influence the resulting day, what would you do considering every event since 365.2422 days ago?


Hey Tom, I hope all is well. I've been interested in the 3060 Ti since it was announced because it sits at the price point I am willing to spend and seems to perform quite well. The last few episodes have made me worry about its Vram. Do you think Nvidia will start releasing a bunch of different versions with more Vram for not much more money? Would be frustrating to finally get my hands on one to have them release better versions soon after. What are your thoughts? Thank you for all the time you put in these episodes.


Due to Ryzen processors competing with HEDT Intel chips, do you think AMD might make a monolithic APU to compete directly with mainstream Intel chips for gaming?

The Immortal Cameraman

What are your thoughts on Nvidia's 12GB 3060? Think they'll phase out the 3060Ti in favor of a 3060 with 12GB and a couple of fewer SMs? Or will they really do what they did with the 16 series and keep all iterations available?


Hi Tom. Please give us SOME good info you have that other tech tubers don't about Hopper and RDNA 3 that you can give us before the year ends. Thanks.

Dominik Koc

Hopper is delayed and Lovelace is coming with 70% more cuda cores supposedly lol

Josh Law (adn)

do you think when amd starts releasing their "mega apus" we could see a trend in mini gaming PCs? i personally love nucs but the graphics performance has been too low for my use cases(gaming). also once you mentioned the crazy things amd could do with chiplets and super small nodes, do you have any more ideas for what they could do or heard of anything they are doing?


Hi Tom and Dan, an early Happy New Year to you both! May 2021 bring better things. For a given graphics card, say the 3070, do you prefer/recommend buying the FE card or an AIB? (This obviously in a world where the answer isn't "whatever is in stock for longer than 15 seconds") I know in general AIBs are supposed to offer better cooling, but you described the coolers on the 30 series as being very expensive and sold at cost, so does that change things for those cards vs your answer in general? Thanks, love the show! Alexander PS Any news on the 3070ti?


Hi, when do you see Cloud Gaming hype and popularity will be coming back (to be more specific when do you think stable 4k 60 will be possible in the majority of cities in Europe and USA)? More then 10 years from now? Happy new year and best wishes from Germany.

Travis Gooding

Hi Tom and Dan The Man, outside of the expected AM5 upgrades like DDR5, USB 4, what do you personally want to see changed, upgraded from the socket going forward. I'd personally like to see an actual chipset retention rod. Too many people go to remove their CPU heatsink and pull up ripping the CPU out of the socket, with or without bent pins. Id also like to see the socket enlarged. I think having the ability for consumers to purchase high end APUs with a higher CU count(akin to console variants) 8c/16t with 22CU(5500xt) with a solid price would hit a market of DIY builders and new gamers wanting to get into PC gaming. Hope you guys have a great new years and I look forward to your podcasts!

Dragonetti 031

Lately all launches are paperish launches, what I mean with that is that all products that er launched are hard to get your hands on and I think that this is a 2020 Corona/covid-19 fluke and once where getting post Corona/covid-19 it will be more to normal and less materials, manufacturing and men power restrictions we had in 2020 do to the pandemic...So what is yours and Dan's opinion regarding this topic? Hoop you and your family had a nice holiday and wishing you, your family and listeners a great 2021.


Hey Tom and Dan, What whispers have you heard about the KFConsole, specifically in regards to the chicken chamber? I know most questions might be geared towards the pc parts, but let's be honest, anyone buying this wants to know what we can expect under the hood touching our golden brown strips of Kentucky's finest. Also, any news on if they plan to release a family sized console to keep my whole family both full and entertained? Thanks and I hope your holiday season has been fun and relaxing!


Tom, any treason AMD went 6900XT out of the gate? Wouldn't it have been better to go 6900 then one up with a 24gb XT card (with a free spatula)?