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You have <2 hours to submit comments, thoughts, and questions regarding this month's Gaming Hardware news...and also what's to come!

Use good grammar, be concise, and above all else - be thoughtful and insightful in your letters!  I may just read yours on air!



The Immortal Cameraman

With the RX 6800 series throwing down the gauntlet at Nvidia's 3070 and 3080, would you see mindshare change as gamers flock to the more available RX 6800 series? With performance rivaling Nvidia, would AMD's feature set really impress newcomers and returning enthusiasts alike? What shortcomings do you see in AMD's hardware/software stack? Also, the 6900 XT would be very interesting to benchmark in professional tasks against the 3090. Would you upgrade to the 6900 XT if it doubles Radeon VII performance in this area?


Have you heard anything interesting info about the AMD-Xilinx deal? It came out of nowhere for me and I'm not entirely sure what they plan to do with the acquisition.


Now that we've seen AMD's GPU offerings, what do you see as the go-to GPU for semi-professional workloads? I'm building a new system with a 5950x and was originally planning on getting a 3080 20GB. Most of the apps I use (Adobe CC, Unity, Blender) play nicely with NVIDIA but The 3090 is too expensive for what it is IMO and I'm not sure if I want to pay "quadro-not-quadro" money right now. Is the 6900XT going to be the card I should be trying to get my hands on, or will there be better semi-pro options in Q1?


Do you have any news or insight on Navi 22? It looks like 6700XT would be my go to GPU from a price/perf and energy efficiency perspective and I’m way too curious :D


Do you know anything about the video encoder on RDNA 2? I know NVENC is a big selling point for Nvidia cards and I myself use it a lot for recording gameplay.


Hi Tom, I hope you and yours are doing well. If you could select one feature that would be persistent for all next-gen console games, what would it be? Instant loading, ray-tracing, 60 fps, 4K, new game design, etc. Best regards, Trav.


Currently the 6900XT is slated to be an AMD only card. What are the chances that AIB partners will be able to convince AMD to allow their partners to make these cards as well?

Dominik Koc

Hey Tom, Happy SPOOOKY Blue Moon! Regarding RayTracing in general... does it even matter who has the stronger overall RT performance? Devs have yet to fully take advantage of either Nvidias or AMD's solutions and so it's not a relevant thing to discuss who has better RT performance. Both companies just have it. Maybe in 3 years we'll finally be able to meaningfully discuss RT performance as we do rasterization today? Happy Halloween!


Should we trust AMD cooling solutions, or will AIBs be able to squeeze out extra performance?


The synergy between zen 3 and RDN2, although seemingly very logical, came a bit unexpected. What are your thoughts on the possiblities and what it will mean for tech in the future? (A friend of mine noted that intel and radeon would work as wel as Nvidia and intel would, now this might for the first time ever be true for double AMD systems)


Given the Nvidia Ampere drought and the inevitable rush on Big Navi cards, what are the chances of price cuts for the RX 6000 series? What would have to happen for prices to normalize?


Any games you're looking forward to? What games are you currently into?


Do you have any thoughts on Intel 10/7nm? It seems like 10nm is still 6+ months off from real server volume, and 7nm is most likely H1 of 2023. When you compare this to TSMC, they say will already be on 3nm or better by 2023.


Because RDNA 2, Zen 3 and Zen 2 are all on the same node, do you see possible supply concerns with Zen 2 acting as an entry level for a while?


I want to know more about rage mode on the new AMD cards ? Need more details cause I have seen online that it's just like a power slider which isn't that big of a deal. Sure does get talked about alot like it's this huge special feature. It's like people forget that Nvidia cards can be over clocked as well. Comments or any details you can provide would be great. Thanks


When should we except some news or announcement for the 6700 xt or 3060 ti ?


Should we trust the RT performance leak? Do you think it will be so much better as the leak suggests? https://wccftech.com/amd-radeon-rx-6800-rdna-2-graphics-card-ray-tracing-dxr-benchmarks-leak-out/


Does it make sense to go from 3700x/RTX 2060 to 5900x/RX 6800? I am using the PC for design, web development work and casual gaming.


Like with the 5700XT having performance improvements after several driver updates, do you see Big Navi surpassing Nvidia even more after several driver updates as well?


Hey Tom, What do you think the non-gaming compute performance on the Radeon 6800XT, 6900XT will be? The price of the 6800XT with 16GB of VRAM is pretty compelling and I could actually run 2 for processing work for less than one 3090.


For both short term and long term, what do you think will be the industry's and the consumers' reaction to AMD's current feature offerings when compared to Nvidia's?

Manuel Nascimento

After seeing GamersNexus and Hardware Unboxed reviews of AIB’s reviews of RTX 3080 and 3090 vs FE cards, seems like the “revolutionary” FE cooler design was all talk: AIB cards are faster, quieter and cooler despite drawing more energy. The only advantage of FE cards is maybe the smaller size, thought that 12 pin connector requiring an adapter is ugly as hell. Could NVIDIA have saved a lot of money with a more traditional 3-fan axial design? Or am I missing something? Thoughts on all this? Thanks for all your excellent work.


Hey Tom, do you know any specifics about the RDNA2+Zen 3 "Smart Access Memory" - Feature. I've been long thinking and speculating about shared memory architectures like the consoles and mobile GPUs, but I wonder what AMD is doing here. Are they actually using an "emulated shared memory architecture" by mapping the memory (like a NUMA-Architecture), are they playing around with the PCIe Protocol or are they doing something completely different? By looking at the game list, it seems like they are actively increasing bandwith, but latency not so much, which would have some interesting consequences. Thanks for your insights, and have fun trying to pronounce my surname, which even people speaking my native language (German) regularly fail with ;)


Do you think Nvidia would go through with releasing a 3060 TI on November 17, as rumored, or might they delay the 3060 TI and try to rework the lower part of their lineup to better compete with Navi 22?


How is AMD capable of providing more product (assuming your predictions are correct) then Nvidia, a company that dwarfs them in every measure.


6900xt is 10% more perf. Do you think overclocked AIB 6800xt makes more sense?

Jeremy Lamb

In your opinion is ray tracing really that big of a selling point. I think it will be important eventually but still seems gimmicky considering the frames you lose even on high end etc cards. From my experience all of the people with rtx cards hardly use the feature. I'm personally way more excited about smart access memory and the PS5 ssd innovations than anything right now.


Is there any chance of the Nvidia 3000 cards being in stock before Christmas? Will AMD have enough RDNA 2 at their launches to take advantage of this if Nvidia can't produce near enough?


Hey Tom, You've mentioned how expensive the rtx 3000 series founders edition coolers are. But when watching Gamers Nexus rtx 3080 reviews the noise-normalised thermal performance of most of the reviewed AIB cards seems to be better (sometimes by around 14 degrees celsius). Even entry level ones like the Asus Tuf and Gigabyte Eagle. Any ideas why Nvidia went for such an expensive design? Link and timestamp: https://youtu.be/uG_xJ_rC3WE?t=359


With MCM making its way to GPUs in the coming generations. How does Nvidia and Intel plan on adapting and Implementing their own consumer MCM designs? Also, what kind of performance uplift can consumers look forward to?

Kameron Alexander

Hey Tom, my question is have you seen the new iPad pro and/or it's OS features? And what new Windows feature would you like to see implemented in the future? My friend just got the new iPad pro and it's very Impressive for it's size, being able to do some auto CAD, having a very nice mic and webcam (which is really important in our new normal) and seeing all of it's features work without a hitch. I was stunned. It honestly puts Microsoft to shame given that Windows for users hasn't really evolved since Vista in my opinion. And if I ever were to need a laptop I would seriously consider the iPad pro


Gaming is the main topic with these GPUs... BUT, where is the discussion around professional workloads, and creative apps like Video Editing, 3D CAD, VFX. How will the Infinity Cache affect these workloads? Is there even a theories surrounding them? I game, but anything better than a 2080 Ti is more than enough for games. New encoders anyone?


I'm interested in seeing what performance enhancements Smart Access Memory / DirectIO will help other non-gaming applications


Hello Tom, do you see any possibility of coincidence between RTX 3000 and RX 6000 series non/availability and another Cyberpunk 2077 delay till early December? Thank you and greetings from Poland!

Dragonetti 031

Bare with me.... At this moment de "AMD’s Smart Access Memory" (https://i.postimg.cc/fbb30ZRy/Elbxi-Hw-XIAQo-M-p.jpg) (and Rage mode combination) will gives that last boost to level with nvidia counter GPU 3080/3090. incl IMHO ray tracing performance in the future At this moment this new function can only function between latest RX 6000 (Navi 2.x) GPU's en Zen 3 CPU architecture. Do you think this will change and also work with Zen 2 architecture CPU's like the R9 3900X or will this only work with Zen 3 architecture do to change that AMD made by forming a single 8 CPU core ccx/chiplet a large 32mb lvl2+lvl3 cache accessible by all the cores, versus Zen 2 which are 2 ccx's with each 4 CPU core and only 16mb lvl2+lvl3 cache in a chiplet and have a total different cache system like the Zen 3 architecture. AMD does incl. one dedicated Ray Accelerator per CU. (https://i.postimg.cc/Jzp08g5L/image.png) together with "AMD’s Smart Access Memory" to access also the CPU cores to help with ray tracing trough the cache/CPU architecture. But they need some serious underlying drive/software programing for this to get some CPU's access which will give a enormous ray tracing boost IMO What is your view on AMD ray tracing in short and long.


Hi Tom, About the 6900xt will there be custome card ? and when you will think we will see that how terreble will the avalability will be ? also if there wont be any 6900xt AIB do you think and 6800xt AIB modol will be close in preformances since there was some leak of an asus card that reach 2.57 ghz?


With the infintity cache being awesome and ddr5 on the horizon do you think that a zen cpu + rdna gpu ciplet threadripper could be a stunning one package product of the near future.


well if you really look at AMD it look like 10% 4K, 5% 1440p


How will the purchase of Xilinix by AMD affect the hardware market?


What do you think would have happened if, while still using infinity cache, AMD used a 384-bit memory bus? Would this have had an impact on the current performance?