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In this Mail Bag episode we discuss subjects revolving around the performance we can expect in the next 2 years...among other things.






John Dorman

I'm gaming on triple portrait 4k120Hz already. Current hardware can push the pixels fine if they aren't over-rendered. Halo MCC is a perfect A/B test of what I mean. Halo 2 at 6480x3840 at 240fps feels plasticky and excellent.

Dominik Koc

Trip portrait will be insane on these new evo monitors. Equal SUPER slim bezels all around

Dominik Koc

Also to be fair... when people ask if 4k120hz gaming is here... I believe that's only the case when a bunch of medium difficulty to run AAA games, fully graphically maxed out, can run a sustained 4k 120hz. Highest tier graphics card required or not. Settings and overclocks can always be modified/applied and that isn't the point of the question being asked.