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Me and Dan don't plan on doing another "Favorite Games" episode for a bit, but I did want to get this out there early.  Below are options we feel like doing next.

Rest assured there are dozens of games we could do eventually, and you can feel free to make suggestions in the comments (and heart comments of games you would also like to see).  To be clear, we are only gonna do games we want to do.

P.S.  Again, we got other Die Shrink subjects planned.  It's not gonna be all, or even half game episodes.



I'll pass but you guys have fun!


I'll wait for Crysis till after the remake.

Brian Scanlon

HL2 is such a classic and is still being modded to this day which is cool


boy i totally forgot about bad company. i do hope it gets a remaster or sequel this coming gen! with the cpu power on display, we can have awesome destructible environments again!


Of this list Crysis is my favorite but agree it would be worth doing after the remake. Half Life 2 it is!


HL2 for me as well. I still remember my first playthrough


Crysis is *the* game. I played the others for a few hours (maybe a day for HL2). I've played Crysis for twelve years. It has 'save anywhere' so you can re-try all kinds of tactics at each point; this gives it endless replayability. Plus gorgeous graphics, superb production values, unmatched AI, and combat smoothness equaled only in UT. Play at least the first half.


I haven't played any of these so I'll abstain. I'm more of a RPG-ish gamer.

Mican Andrews

I would say bad company as the global destruction was only ever done in red faction I believe, crazy we still don't have full destruction