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We have some heavier subjects coming, but for Easter Weekend (and with all of the strife out there), we thought it would be good to wrap up "season 2" of Die Shrink with some lighter conversation.

Micro LED, OLED, Mini LED, PS5, XBOX, our favorite games, and the growth of the channel are all major parts of this episode....



Dominik Koc

Looking forward to a lengthy one!

Jesse Jaskowiak

Good podcast Tom and Dan, it's funny how you called it Tom, about the issues Intel were having with Comet Lake S many months ago! Lol!


probably need to throw up quick summaries of what sources said in text if you want wider credit.... :(


My question about pro GPUs was one I guess was late/to vague to potentially JPR when that one was done. I was curious if he had info/knowledge he would have been willing to share. And I dunno how you pronounce this set of characters sorry? But keeping it dumb sounds fine to me :D


also in regards to transistor densities and talking things up... All of the companies DO talk some BS about it, but I don't recall anyone except Intel stating actual density numbers (as in million trannys per mm^2) and talking how their 10nm crushed other companies 10nm... One of Intel's slides shows other foundries 10nm about 50 million transistor/mm^2... yet Huawei's 970 SoC has ~56 mTr/mm^2 on 10nm.


Hey bud - so with this whole SenseMi going bye-bye, yet with a replacement seemingly right on it's heels, what do you think the odds are that AMD is going to be implementing some of that ssd caching tech from Sony and MS's SOCs?? I would assume that when designing these things, an agreement is reached for any unique architectural enhancements AMD knocks out for third parties; surely they (the third parties) don't own the IP on those improvements, you know? SenseMi was actually fairly impressive, so what do you think we could be looking at here come July?


Reader mail, but yeah I am guessing AMD reserves the right to use a lot of it... Although I know Sony themselves patented some parts of their RDNA architecture, and MS did too.


That's a valid point. I think Intel's 10nm hyping is mostly in the past though...although their fanboys still do hype its fake density unlike other silicon fabrication companies.


Moors law is dead wrong on the xbox ssd.


A lot of my original sources on Zen information came from XBOX engineers buddy. I am actually far more connected to MS than Sony. I am just not a fanboy, I look at the facts. The SSD demos MS showed are slower than my PC.