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Hope everyone had a great weekend!  On Monday I will be interviewing an x86 Industry Analyst who specializes in "competing with Intel."  In fact, he has been involved in multiple Anti-Trust lawsuits against Intel...

Reply below with questions regarding Intel's past actions, and the current competitiveness of the x86 landscape (Note he isn't an engineer, he is a business analyst).  Be concise, thoughtful, and specific - and you might just get your question asked if there is time!



Would it be possible to combat "financial horsepower" with brutal marketing. Could AMD use Trump level sarcasm to publically humiliate intel? "Products so good they have to pay you to take them". Wouldn't work with server, maybe with gaming hardware.

Markus Smith

What is your thoughts on the possibility that hyperscallers might progressively be looking to switch to arm in search of a lower cost of ownership. Could this be the beginning of the end of the x86 monopoly in the lucrative cloud server space?


Does ARM and/or RISK-V pose a real threat to x86, if so how worried should x86 vendors be?


What is the industry’s (from a corporate point of view) perspective on Intel? Differences in management from BK vs Bob Swan?


How has Intel historically played their corporate hand (as in what has their relationship with hyperscaler class vendors changed in times of pressure)?


From the legal perspective, is there a lot of government involvement in scrutinising the (anti-)competitive behaviour of companies such as Intel, or is it primarily private parties bringing cases before the courts? In general is there a lot of concern shown by governments (in and outside the US) towards the nature of x86 competition, or has it been something that they have mostly ignored?


Have we really reached a tipping point in the lack of trust in Intel, or can they spend their way out of it? With Windows 10 being in a terrible state and AMD supporting Linux much better than Intel (I believe, correct me if wrong), could we see Windows reach a similar state as Intel in the next 5 to 10 years? What would it take for Linux OS's to break double digit market share in home computing.


Can we expect intel to agressively fund research into AMD CPU vulnerabilities? New AMD specific bugs comparable to spectre/meltdown might halt the adoption of AMDs products in the server market space.

Brad Medlin

Do they foresee any government action in the future to deal with cyber attacks that exploit the x86 vulnerabilities we keep seeing in the news?