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Me and Dan will get to work on these in about an hour, but until then I want to put out a last minute request for thoughts, questions, and comments regarding the following subjects:

1. Self Driving - it's past, future, and where it will go.

2. Future of Employment - me and Dan want to discuss if we should all be so sure the future is "knowing the internet," "learn to code," or "social media marketing."

3. Gaming Fatigue - me and Dan want to talk about this disillusionment I am seeing with some people regarding the state of gaming.  Kind of a part 2 to the first Die Shrink.

Reply here with your Telegrams (you can submit multiple).  You got about an hour!



Edward Huff

Self driving. Am of mixed minds about this. Comma AI has software that runs on smartphone and is about as good as Tesla’s software, which implies there is lots of room to throw compute at the problem. On the other hand, imagine 1 million miles of driving. Roughly the the number of miles between accidents for an average driver; in that huge time period, what are the odds that one would not encounter a situation that requires human level intelligence?


Regarding gaming, we have several revolutionary technologies knocking on the door; from superior input devices, better than ever seen before - to displays more beautiful than ever.


With the recent (slow-burning) VR revolution, there has also been a newfound interest in quality positional sound. Given enough time for all of these things to blossom, I can see a newfound fire being ignited in gaming - even among weary souls. The fact that we're at the start of mainstream processors having enough cores to to make it entirely plausible to poll inputs independently from the gamestate, means that things are going places in the next decade.


For long haul trucks to stores and the like I imagine automation should be pretty easy as you have people either side to load and unload, but for home delivery you need drivers in order to hand out those packages or a standardized box/location at any given residence. Do you think companies like Amazon will start opening their own or using existing dropoff locations and have people go there to pick them up rather than hand delivery; and more importantly incentivize people to use these services by say only offering those for free shipping so they can cut down on costs? What about timeframe for something like that in relation to semi's for businesses becoming automated?


I'm thinking of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe when I see bullet #2. My boss has a pretty big house and he spent 20 years as a scrappy carpenter building up a nice construction company.

Edward Huff

Think I killed my comments, but in short. Comparative advantages guarantees employment so long as we don't have perfect replacement for human labor. Luddites often ignore this. This is why they have failed historically. However, if AI ever gets to the point of being human-level, then comparative advantage breaks and those same labor models predict human wages will decline below subsistence and absent redistribution, which seems extremely unlikely, they would starve. But the thing is, if we do get stronger than human level AI, jobs are beside the point. The future will be controlled by the AIs at that point, so the only thing that will affect our fate is the objective functions of the AIs. If they are programed to maximize human welfare, we will be fine. If not, we will be in economic competition with entities smarter than ourselves. It seems likely that we would not surive such a scenario. Let us hope they are programed well.


Six of the last eight posts were discussion, so this will make seven of the last nine. I much prefer it when you pick a topic and analyze the state of affairs yourself. The other players rarely add much TBH, and the conversational approach eats time. As a result, I don't watch these posts.


New here but if your just asking which would be most interesting, 2, then 3, then 1. 1 blends into 2, but the future of jobs as a whole is more interesting then automation. 3, talking about games and drama within the fanbase is just fun.