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Well the year is almost officially over, and that means it's time for December Loose Ends.  I have already gone through the Reader Mail in the discord, but I would also like to inquire about any last minute Telegrams for tomorrow's Loose Ends Livestream.  Reply to this post with any questions, and they will be considered!

The notification will go live in a few hours scheduling the official time!



Michael Costa

Ok, is Vega 2, whatever radeon7 the last iteration of Vega? Is big Navi the next high vram card or is that going to be another product all together and when ( im set just curious I ncasse I help someone else build a CAD machine to also game on) can we expect a successor? Im seeing them for 550 on Neweg because XFX messed up the product launch description and now its priced at the 2700 super class. is their currently a better value product?

Michael Costa

And are the 4000 series apu's going to be strong enough for limited streaming, maybe 12 hours per week tops of uploading and playing 2019s games at 1080p 60 without an excessive amountof throttling with 12 tabs open in chrome ?

Michael Costa

...and is 2020 still supposed to be a new socket, ie am4 plus or am5?


Do you think CyberPunk 2077 will use RTX proper, or something like DXR or similar, more universal alternatives, so it can Ray-trace on future consoles without further programming.


The new Ryzen 3 (4000 series) is supposed to have a cache that will make the CCD and CCX the same. How much of an IPC improvement will this bring. Also will this increase the attack vectors for potential security flaws.