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In this episode Tom kicks back and drinks a strongbow while Dan explains the Flat Earther beliefs.  It turns into a bigger conversation about the failure to properly teach (or understand) the scientific method.




I listen to y’all because of the computer hardware but episode like this are good comic relief 😂🤣😂. Keep up the hard work we really do appreciate it.

Christian Hell

Didn't you know that Galileo was lying from the beginning,,😁😁😁 btw in Europe Cows are purple,,

Christian Hell

I personally think that George Carlin said it best,...... whenever ranting against the evangelical Hardliners

Josh Goetz

Love stuff like this. PC hardware is cool but this is hilarious


It is my understanding that no denomination of any type, has endorsed a flat earth view, and the labels we throw around on various groups or even those labels they may claim for themselves is often not accurate as to what they actually believe teach, etc. This is not discounting your experience, just that we all should be a bit careful with the labels. Secondly, as a matter of Christian History, Evangelism, the term, (Spreading the Good News of Jesus) has been at the core of Christianity since the beginning. It literally is the last command Jesus issued as documented by John. In addition, starting with the various letters that Paul wrote as documented in the New Testament, and documented through 2000 years of history, Evangelism has been a core practice of those who claim to follow Jesus.

Dr Forbin

Flat earthers are like certain voters, you cant tell them anything, they don't believe in science and lord knows they need healthcare for mental issues. (just sayin')


From my experience from the like 5 years of hearing them, they are all basically evangelical Christians (you know, the kind of Christians that say Catholics aren't Christian because they aren't "serious enough") and belief in the exact implied design of the universe as implied in Genesis or the first page of the Bible. If you actually read it, it describes the Earth as a circle (Catholics and protestants tend to excuse this as the word "sphere" didn't exist by the time of the old testament, though some research suggests the Earth being a sphere was only realized around the same time) with a dome over it called the "firmament" (Catholics and protestants tend to excuse this as the atmosphere or ignore it entirely which evangelicals say it's 100% a glass, acrylic, or even painted on wall) with the only thing existing beyond this being an endless see of water. Beyond this, flat earthers are completely incoherent on how their model works as the ideas of one are inconsistent with the next.


Since the Bible doesn't state where the sun, moon, and stars are the answer for where they are in their model is completely random. Some say that the dome has the stars painted on and that the dome itself is blue with the sun and moon orbiting only a a few miles up (claiming that the way crepuscular rays shows it is close as the rays diverge when pointing in your direction), some say the sun and moon are beyond the dome and that the dome is clear (this kinda solves the sun not covering equal space in the winter but it would make the stars a total question, plus the sun and moon would be distorted in shape from the dome). It is absolutely infuriating to get them to explain their model as each has it's flaws and everyone seems to have just slightly different answers to them making it impossible to answer all of them.


They also fail at relativity as they don't understand we don't feel speed but acceleration. They use the fact you can't feel the Earth spin (1,000mph), it's movement around the sun (67,000mph) or the sun moving around the galaxy (514,000mph) therefore all of this must be a lie and we must be not spinning, the sun and moon must be spinning around us as do the stars (🤨). They don't understand the fact we feel only acceleration and change in motion. The only reference to spin they understand is that centrifugal force is an outward force therefore the Earth can't be spherical as then we would fly off of it (again, because we ignore the fact gravity exists 🤦‍♂️). Because of this, the biggest proof against flat Earth is movement of the stars. Stars spiral in the opposite direction around each pole as we have 2 of them on a sphere. This can be proven simply by recording the stars orbiting either just the south pole (as they only view the northern one here in the US) or even better, you record the stars at the equator as they split in both directions as they do in these videos. 😆🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPtVG_pVNHI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGuTOfCTs98 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGY0IHAPZjk