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On this episode Tom and Dan openly discuss the tribalism online that has affected so many tech channels.  

P.S.  No links to posts we reference - we don't intend to promote brigading anyone.




Good... good... Your hate has made you powerful! (Sad emoji because Patreon doesn't allow GIFs...)

Jan Rohner

As i once sayd, for me you are the best Techtuber :) That has a reason so i think other people like you content too. Keep it on !


I am afraid that Social Media, and the general ability to comment on anything by anyone has facilitated a general coarsening of language, courtesy, and general respect that one-on-one conversations would mandate. The ability to openly criticize and ridicule is infinitely easier if I am not in your presence, or looking you in the face. Social Media has the opposite effect of what it claims to do, it has driven us further apart from any type real connection with people. Hence you, and literally anyone who takes a stance on practically anything is going to "get it," from those who disagree with you. Ironically, those who openly attack you will probably feel good about criticizing you because, in a way, it makes them feel like they won a contest, versus winning a friend over to their view of things.

Christian Hell

This one is actually a superb Die Shrink Episode. Gets the Point that is obviously around in YT. People hiding behind some fancy Names and hating. That is why my Name is full on. if I disagree with you I will tell you and I expect the same


I am glad this episode is appreciated. Was 50/50 on if we should go through with recording it.

Master Chef

Seems like the typical hate and douchbaggery is Overtly Gamma male. "Seceret Kings" who think their shit doesn't stink as they revel in sarcasm and posturing behind the safety of the net.