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This episode is primarily about the odd phenomena of PC Noobs insisting on buying a "gaming laptop"....instead of just getting a desktop!   They always do it eventually...

We also answer reader mail about photorealistic gaming.




Why am I awake? Who knows. Am I going to listen to die shrink and stay up even later? Bet your ass I am!


Barely a few minutes in. I went to college with the entry 2006 MacBook studying music education and production. By sophomore year I’d worked all summer between freshman year to buy a secondhand Mac Pro and built a gaming PC along side it. Kept that crappy core duo Macbook til it bit the dust a few months ago. The Mac Pro is still cranking along for my audio software even though I’ve got it running way beyond apple spec. And I’ve got half a dozen PCs. Moral of the rambling reminiscing is computers are more expensive than drugs.


Yeah, expensive college laptops are a gateway drug to building your own desktop for A LOT of people.

Dan Allman

I own a $1500 (in 2015 dollars), 45 second battery, 20lb monstrosity. The struggle for class was real, still is to be honest. I built a desktop after 1 year of owning it. That being said, the monstrosity is still kicking, still plays in 1080p at high, still sounds like a jet turbine. Would not trade it for the world (although I would love a netbook to go along with it lol)


I bought a gaming laptop for uni, but it was a good deal, it's light, and i actually do a bit of modeling on it and the gpu comes in handy ;D. But that's in postgrad research, and I could probably do without it if i had to, and I already have a PC anyway :P


They CAN be good deals, but usually only at the $700-$1000 level. The desktop replacements are almost always a rip off.