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I will be joining  Chris (The Good Old Gamer) for a livestream on Friday evening.  Any subjects you want us to discuss, or questions you have for him?



Hey there Moore’s Law! Something that I definitely would like to see you discuss, although I am taking it with a bucket load of salt, these intel GPUs providing this progression to the gpu market, a man can dream eh!! In all seriousness, I think a general discussion on what Intel could do in the GPU space would be great, seeing that they of all companies ‘could’ be the saving grace when it comes to desktop Graphics?<a href="https://www.firstpost.com/tech/gaming/intels-xe-lineup-of-gpus-has-leaked-and-the-specs-are-almost-too-good-to-believe-6363481.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.firstpost.com/tech/gaming/intels-xe-lineup-of-gpus-has-leaked-and-the-specs-are-almost-too-good-to-believe-6363481.html</a>


Hey there, it's great to hear you and The Good Old Gamer are getting together for a live stream. Since there's been a lot of Navi news lately and his channel is very much about bringing the average consumer awareness on the current state of the CPU/GPU market and steering people towards where the value is rather than falling for what's "hype" at the moment or let's say way better marketed (and yes as you've guessed I'm talking about nvidia/intel). It would be good to remind the viewers that if Jim's latest news holds true and we get an AMD card that is around 2070 performance for around the $300 price point then that's great and you guys should emphasize on not being concerned about power draw which seems to be a potential issue Navi has. Basically, I really hope we can get over the "Hot and loud" meme as long as price/perf are meeting somewhat expectations... Nvidia and their followers will use this as a stick to beat on Navi but like you mention in you last video, wouldn't it be great if AMD could get some serious cash in the bank to further develop awesome products. If Navi can bring the crazy GPU prices down that's a win in itself. On a completely different note, I would love to hear you both discuss how the industry as a whole (in the PC space for CPU/GPU) is giving us less and less generational jumps like in perf like in the past (Ryzen aside maybe, although single threaded performance not so much...) but asking ever more money for a much smaller increase in performance. Personally, as a total computer graphics nerd from back to the 3DFX Voodoo days I was genuinely excited about Ray Tracing support with the Turing architecture. Which brings me to the following questions I'd like you to discuss if possible: Is the future of the GPU about bringing more dedicated hardware features rather than continuing the race to traditional rasterized performance? I mean how many more FPS do we really need? Won't better visual effects prevail the 144-240hz CSGO style of gaming? Ok, hopefully you got to read this, I know I've been babbling on but it's great to have a chance to chat to you and I'm really pleased to be a tiny part of what I think could be one of the best Tech channels on YT. I feel that we might have a chance through your channel to elevate the debate a little and maybe get over the old AMD vs Intel vs Nvidia fanboism and remember we all just have I believe a fascination and enthusiasm for our beloved silicon chips and that's all that matters. Thank you if you actually read all this, I hope it inspires you even in the slightest and most of all thanks for your great channel! Peace. Will


The funny thing is Navi looks like its power draw is still almost perfect for the RX 3060 and 3070. I always said I thought the 3060 was gonna be a bigger deal for the market (1440p Ultra gaming comes to entry level gpu's!!!)