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Start the new training!  new arc in the story! 💥

I added some food posters, as a complement in the background. I have noticed that in previous pages there was a lot of emptiness in the background, so now I will try to fill in that emptiness to make the pages a bit more interesting. I hope you like it. I will work hard to bring each time better pages. this so far starts I have a lot of ideas for future pages, so there will still be The Secret Jutsu for a long time. Thanks for supporting this comic, and I hope you enjoy it.

Read the Complete Comic (page 1 - 25): https://www.patreon.com/posts/secret-jutsu-wg-72843539

Read the Complete Comic (page 26 -39): https://www.patreon.com/posts/secret-jutsu-wg-77867198




Finally she’s sakura size now 🥰🥰😏