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This man was a well-known gambler in the casino, but after an impossible game, he lost a lot of money. Having no ability to repay his debts, he was asked to work in the bar of this casino to repay his debts, which he accepted, especially since he had no ability to repay his debts.
However, he thought he was going to work as a male bartender, but the clothing he was given was a vernigirl's leotard, which only women wear. He planned to work here as a vernigirl to pay off his debts.
As he spent more and more time on the job, something began to change in his body, in fact, the service drinks he drank on the job contained large amounts of female hormones, which feminized his body.
The next thing he knew, he would spend less and less time being aware that he was a man because of his lack of erection.


 しかし、男性バーテンダーとして働くのかと思いきや、彼に与えられた服は女性だけが着るバーニガールのレオタードだった。 彼はここでバーニガールとして借金を返済していく予定だった。



 이 남자는 카지노의 유명 갬블러였지만 무리한 승부수 끝에 크게 패배하고 말았다. 상환 능력이 없었던 그는 이 카지노의 바에서 일하며 빚 변제를 요구받았고, 별다른 빚을 갚을 능력이 없던 그는 수락하였다. 

 하지만 남성 바텐더로 일할 것으로 예상했던 것과는 다르게 그에게 주어진 복장은 여자들이나 입는 바니걸 레오타드였다. 그는 이곳에서 바니걸로서 빚을 갚아나갈 예정이다. 

 일을 하는 시간이 길어질수록 뭔가 그의 몸에 변화가 일어나기 시작하였는데, 사실 그가 일하면서 마신 서비스 드링크에는 다량의 여성 호르몬이 들어가있었기 때문에 신체에 여성화가 진행된 것이다.

 점점 발기가 되지 않는 모습에 스스로 남성임을 자각하는 시간도 줄어들게 될 것이다.



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