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The demo drop looms ever closer!

1. All the art is done (though I keep going back to tweak things. And re-do older BGs. I need to stop.) 

2. I'm also doing my best to make the GUI pretty for the demo. Not sure how far I'm going to customize it for this, but I'd like it to look nice. And not the default. There's so many little things that need custom graphics. 

3. I've been gathering all the sound effects and music I need, which is a tedious job I'll admit. Sifting through 50 different bird sounds is a thankless task lol.

4. Script is done. I've plugged some of it into Ren'Py to see how it reads, but I currently have it being read by some other people to get their opinion and edits.

5. Also working on Kickstarter content. I have about 75% of the graphics done (So Many Graphics) and about 75% of the copy. I'd like it to be ready to go by the demo drop date so I can link it in the demo, then people can at least follow the page before it begins.

6. On that note, I have dates for the demo drop and kickstarter! I won't be sharing them yet, but they exist! And they're more concrete than "soon!"

7. And, my first snafu! The person that was going to help me program has vanished (which is kind of common when working with people over the internet, but I do hope they're ok) so I'm doing all the programming I can on my own and will be looking for another programmer to help with the things I can't figure out.

This will be a paid position, and I'll start my search once I have a complete list of things I need help with/them to do. Of all the things to go wrong, this is probably the easiest fix.

8. Also working on an official Wisteria Games/Twin Coves website. Mostly so I have a place to put a press kit. And I need to put together a press kit. I have most of the pieces, I just need to put them together. 



OMG ALSJXOHDIDHDOSBD Congrats Sam! You made it!!❤️🥺So excited to see all your efforts and the hard work you put into the game!


I’m sooo excited! Too bad about the programmer though. I’m sure everything will work out! Congrats 🎉