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This isn't from the Demo/CH 1--I've been jumping back and forth between rewrites and later scenes--but here's another little sneaky peek from a later scene in the game.  

Also, I've started using Morgan as a stand in for MC. Typing MC just kept taking me out of the moment, espeically during dialogue... "Please, MC, I need you." just doesn't hit like actually saying a name.

Morgan is the MC's default name in the game if you don't choose to pick your own. Full name is Morgan Cooper. MC. Getit? Also Cooper is a shoutout to another character. You probably all know what I'm talking about.  




omgomgomg🥺it's going to be soooooooo goooooooood

Sheila Sine

"Call if you need me" Oh, that's good! I can't wait to find out who this is.